
  • Show the Braintree error message returned by Braintree when user add a credit card and get a failure. This is only applicable if Braintree is enabled for your organization

Bug Fixes:

  • Bug fix for CTA link not working on Mooncake landing page issue
  • Bug fix for cannot open landing page from HLE issue

Bug Fixes:

Bug fix for issue that admin can not confirm orders


Add new optional faction fields to the catalog enrichment file:

  • is_dry_good - Default to 0 / False
  • is_fresh_food - Default to 0 / False

See Catalog Bulk Creation: Attributes and Rules for more details


Trigger password reset confirmation email when user's password has been updated successfully. This enhancement applies to both client users and Foxtrot users.


  • Allow guest user to change language and integrate the change language option on Menu screen.
  • Reduce the whitespace across the app as part of light UI/UX Tweaks. The changes are made on Homepage, PLE, Cart, Order History and Order Detail screens.


Redirect users to login screen after forced logout due to expired password.

Bug Fixes:

Bug fix for issue that picker is removed from completed orders.

Feature Release:

Integrate Sagawa 3PL on Xpress Admin. See details in user guide here. This is only applicable if Sagawa integration is enabled for your organization


  • Add a warning message on login screen when admin's password has expired. Password reset email will be sent to user's email to direct user to Foxtrot reset password page.
  • Add a reminder popup after admin login when admin's password is nearly expired starting at T-2 weeks from password expiration. Password reset email will be sent to user's email to direct user to Foxtrot reset password page.