
Additional bot protection to enable CAPTCHA through DataDome integration has been released for website. Bots and requests that appear fraudulent may be either hard-blocked or prompted to solve a CAPTCHA puzzle in order to access the site.

In rare instances, customers may encounter a CAPTCHA when going to the website. Simply solving the CATPCHA will allow customers to access the site and continue shopping as usual.

Feature Release:

Add new config type Text Content Page in Foxtrot Pages

Text Content Page allows users to create pages with formatted text content using Markdown markup language. We recommend to use this page type when content being displayed is mostly text, e.g. terms & conditions, policies, FAQ. See user guide here and here.

As part of a future release, Spresso will migrate all current T&Cs pages to Text Content Pages, which will allow clients to configure T&Cs from Foxtrot in the future.


Display new internal notes under the section Instructions to display notes left in Xpress Admin, apply to all order detail screens (picker, rider and pickup manager.

Feature Release:

  • [Order details] Add new internal notes field in orders
  • [Orders] On the orders page, add a comments textbox icon on the left of the order number when there’s an internal note on the order

Feature Release:

Add Countdowns to Banner Interstitials.

Bug Fixes:

Bug fix to display youtube embedded video on web blog page


Update T&Cs

Feature Release:

Dynamically translate categories based on the customer’s language selection

  • Web: category menu and breadcrumbs are dynamically translated. Category headers on category pages are not currently translated
  • Mobile Apps: category menu is dynamically translated
    • 📣 App restart is required for iOS, this will be enhanced as a follow up

Feature Release:

Promo variants allow Foxtrot Admin users to set up a free with gift with purchase based on several conditions such as having a qualifying variant in cart, meeting an order minimum, or applying a specific promo code. This feature is now available on all client platforms. Please see details in user guide here.


  • Update OTP to SMS: OTP will expires after 5 minutes and account is created successfully after user enter valid SMS OTP
  • Include PDP URLs in sitemap for SEO

Feature Release:

  • Added a Countdown Banner module to be displayed on homepage, brand page, and landing page. See details in user guide here


Update OTP to SMS: OTP will expires after 5 minutes and account is created successfully after user enter valid SMS OTP

Feature Release:

Hourly product catalog feed

  • Feed folder: /productfeed

  • Cadence: hourly

  • Content: All required attributes needed for Google and Faceook listings

    • Id: variant sku
    • Title: variant brand & variant name text
    • Description: variant long description
    • Product Detail: variant extended info 1 & variant extended info 2
    • Google product category: see below
    • Product type: product category
    • Link: PDP link
    • Deep link: PDP deep link
    • Image link: image links
    • Condition: new
    • Availability: using default location inventory value of In Stock or Out of Stock
    • Price: using default location price value
    • Brand: variant brand
    • Gtin: UPC

    📣 Google requires category to follow their taxonomy. Products missing this value will be rejected by Google

  • To manage this mapping, please go to Product Categories > Google Product Category to input the corresponding value.