ACS/AMP: Site Experience

This guide is only applicable for organizations that are integrated with ACS and AMP.

Customers can connect their AMP account and earn/redeem points on all platforms (e.g., Web, Android, iOS).


Connect account to AMP

A user can connect their shopping account to their AMP account via the connect account modal which displays in the below 4 places:

  1. After Account Registration
  2. Navigation
  3. Account Page
  4. Order Confirmation Page
  • Upon pressing connect account, the user is redirected to the ACS website in the same tab. User must enter accurate information for an active ACS account and complete the registration flow in order for a successful connection to occur.

  • Upon successful connection on the ACS site, the user is redirected back to homepage and the below success modal will display:

    • Upon successful connection, the user will begin to see the connected user site experience immediately.
  • If the user presses cancel on the ACS site, they will be redirected back to homepage and the below failure modal will display:

    • Upon failed connection, the user will continue to see the not connected user site experience.

Account Page

Customers are able to view their AMP status and details on their account page.

Connected User:

  • Below Member plus tile will display as the first metric on the /account page metric section:

Expired User:

  • Below Member plus tile will display as the first metric on the /account page metric section:

Not Connected User:

  • Below Member plus tile will display as the first metric on the /account page metric section:
  • Connect Account will prompt the connect account modal which directs the user to the ACS site for the connection flow.


Connected User:

  • Below Points section will display in the navigation showing the user’s ACS point balance:

Expired User:

  • Below Point section and RENEW ACCOUNT message will display in the navigation.
  • Expired users will also see the below red banner message on all pages until they close the banner:

Not Connected User:

  • Below Point section and EARN POINTS message will display in the navigation.
  • Clicking EARN POINTS will prompt the connect account modal which directs the user to the ACS site for the connection flow.

Redeem Points at Checkout

Connected users are able to redeem points at checkout

  • Field to redeem points at checkout will only display for Connected Users with > 200 points.

    • Not connected, Expired, or Connected User’s with less and 200 points will not see the field to redeem points at checkout.
  • Details

    • POINTS section appears below promo code section displaying user’s ACS point balance and conversion to the currency unit used on Web:
    • If user clicks REDEEM, field to enter points displays:

      • Points field defaults to 200 and displays conversion to the currency unit used on Web based on amount entered.
      • User must press APPLY to redeem points on their order.
      • User can enter and apply up to as many points as they have in their balance as long as it is in increments of 200 and less than the order total.
    • Below are examples of error states if a user enters an invalid amount of points:

    • Applied points display as a discount on order summary:

      • The amount of points redeemed converted to discount amount displays as Rewards and is subtracted from the order subtotal.

      • Applied points also display under the POINTS section.

        • Pressing X in this section will remove the redeemed points.

Order Confirmation Screen

Connected User:

  • Connected users will see a breakdown of their estimated points earned on the order confirmation screen:

    • The amount of points displayed here are calculated based on the order total at order placement.
    • Base points + Bonus points = earned points.
    • Base Points are calculated from Default Purchase Rate in Foxtrot.
    • Bonus points are calculated from Global Point Multipler in Foxtrot.
    • If no Global Point Multipler is set, Bonus Points will be 0.
  • Message below point break-down section tells users that points will not be added to their account until the order is picked up/ delivered.

    • Messaging varies slightly for delivery vs. pick up order.

Expired User:

  • Users with an expired ACS account will not see any placement for Member plus on order confirmation.

Not Connected User:

  • Not connected users will see the below Member plus placement on the order confirmation screen:

    • Pressing Connect Account will prompt the connect account modal which directs the user to the ACS site for the connection flow.

Order Details Page

Connected users are able to view point details on their order details page

Before order settlement:

  • If points were redeemed on an order, the discount amount applied will display as rewards on the order summary section on the order details page.
  • Order details page will not show points earned on an order until after settlement

After order settlement:

  • If points were earned on an order, POINTS EARNED ON THIS PURCHASE section will display on the order detail page.
  • This section will show the total points earned upon order settlement broken out between Base + Bonus points.
    • Base Points are calculated from Default Purchase Rate in Foxtrot.
    • Bonus points are calculated from Global Point Multipler in Foxtrot.
    • If no Global Point Multipler is set, Bonus Points will be 0.
  • The amount of points displayed here are calculated based on the order total at settlement. If there is a return on the order post settlement, this section will not be updated.
  • If no points were earned on an order (ie, order was paid fully with credits) this section will not display.
  • This section will not show for expired or not-connected users.

Points Activity Chart

Connected users are able to view a table of their points activity

  • Points Activity Chart will only display for Connected Users
  • This chart will be displayed at the bottom of the users /account page


  • Points Activity Chart will show up to the 4 most recent orders with the below fields:

    • Order Date

    • Order #

      • Links to order details page for that order
    • Total Spent

      • Order Total
    • Points Earned

      • Before settlement —> Displays total pending points based on order total at order placement.
      • After settlement —> Displays total earned points based on order total at settlement.
        • If there is a return on the order after settlement has occurred, this section will not be updated.
    • Points Status (Pending/Added/Cancelled)

      • Upon order placement point status is Pending
      • Upon order settlement point status is Added
      • Cancelled orders display point status Cancelled
      • Orders with 0 pending points upon order placement show as Added immediately
      • Payment fail orders will not show on the chart (for Web, if a recent order has payment fail, only 3 will show in chart)
      • Web displays all settled orders as Added, even if no loyaltyPoints are granted. For this reason, if the ACS API goes down preventing a user from earning points at settlement, the order will display as 0 points Added on this screen.


Connect account to AMP

A user can connect their shopping account to their AMP account via the connect account modal which displays in the below 3 places:

  1. After Account Registration
  2. Left Menu/Homepage
  3. Account Page
  • Upon pressing connect account, the user is redirected to a web-view of the ACS site. User must enter accurate information for an active ACS account and complete the registration flow in order for a successful connection to occur.

  • Upon successful connection on the ACS site, the below success modal will display:

    • On Android (unlike on web + iOS), the success modal will display on the ACS site (as opposed to the homepage).

      • START SHOPPING or closing via X → Takes user back to homepage
    • Upon successful connection and redirect back to homepage, the user will begin to see the connected user site experience.

      • On Android, this may take a few seconds.
  • If the user presses cancel on the ACS site registration screen, the below failure modal will display on the ACS site:

    • Pressing X in the corner will close the modal and the user will remain on the ACS site.
    • Upon incomplete connection and redirect back to homepage, the user will continue to see the not connected user site experience.

Left Menu/Homepage

Customers are able to view their AMP status and details on the left menu on Android.

Connected User:

  • Below Member plus upsell will display at the top of the left menu displaying user’s point balance:
  • Clicking this placement takes user to the “Member Plus” account page on the app.

Expired User:

  • Below Member plus upsell will display at the top of the left menu with account expired message:

Not Connected User:

  • Below Member plus upsell will display at the top of the left menu prompting the user to connect their account:
  • Clicking this placement opens page with connect account modal that will direct the user to the ACS site for the connection flow.

Account Page

Customers are able to view their AMP status and details on their account page.

All users:

  • Member Plus drawer is added to account page for all users

  • User can navigate to the Member plus section of their account page below:

    • Homepage —> Left Menu —> ‘Account’ —> ‘Member Plus’

Connected User:

Expired User:

Not Connected User:

  • Connect Account will will direct the user to the ACS site for the connection flow.

Redeem Points at Checkout

Connected users are able to redeem points at checkout.

  • Field to redeem points at checkout will only display for Connected Users with > 200 points.

    • Not connected, Expired, or Connected User’s with less and 200 points will not see the field to redeem points at checkout.
  • Details

    • POINTS section appears below promo code section displaying user’s ACS point balance and conversion to the currency unit used in Android:
    • If user clicks redeem, screen to enter points displays:

      • On Android, the field does not pre-populate to a default amount.
      • User must press REDEEM to redeem points on their order.
      • User can enter and apply up to as many points as they have in their balance as long as it is in increments of 200 and less than the order total.
    • Below are examples of error states if a user enters an invalid amount of points:

    • Applied points display as a discount on order summary:

      • The amount of points redeemed converted to the currency unit used in Android displays as Rewards and is subtracted from the order subtotal.

      • Applied points also display under the Points section.

        • Pressing Remove in this section will remove the redeemed points.
        • Remaining balance is displayed if applicable.

Order Confirmation Screen

There is no Member plus placement at Order Confirmation for the Android App

  • The Android app does not have an order confirmation page. After the pending payment screen, the user is sent directly to order details.

Order Details Page

Connected users are able to view point details on their order details page.

Before order settlement:

  • If points were redeemed on an order, the discount amount applied will display as rewards on the order summary section on the order details page.
  • Order details page will not show points earned on an order until after settlement

After order settlement:

  • If points were earned on an order, POINTS EARNED ON THIS ORDER section will display on the order detail page.
  • This section will show the total points earned upon order settlement broken out between Base + Bonus points.
    • Base Points are calculated from Default Purchase Rate in Foxtrot.
    • Bonus points are calculated from Global Point Multipler in Foxtrot.
    • If no Global Point Multipler is set, Bonus Points will be 0.
  • The amount of points displayed here are calculated based on the order total at settlement. If there is a return on the order post settlement, this section will not be updated.
  • If no points were earned on an order (ie, order was paid fully with credits) this section will not display.
  • This section will not show for expired or not-connected users.

Points Activity Chart

Connected users are able to view a table of their points activity

  • Points Activity Chart will only display for Connected Users
  • This chart will be displayed at the bottom of the users Member plus Account page


  • Points Activity Chart will show up to the 4 most recent orders with the below fields:

    • Order #

      • Links to order details page for that order
    • Order Date

    • Total Spent

      • Order Total
    • Points Earned

      • Before settlement —> Displays total pending points based on order total at order placement. Point amount will display (pending) next to it.
      • After settlement —> Displays total earned points based on order total at settlement. Once points are added to the user’s account, (pending) will no longer display.
        • If there is a return on the order after settlement has occurred, this section will not be updated.
    • Things to note:

      • Payment fail orders will not show on the chart (may require login/logout after order status changes)
      • Cancelled orders will not show in the chart (may require login/logout after order status changes)
      • Orders with 0 pending points upon order placement do not display pending status
      • On Android, if the ACS API goes down preventing a user from earning points at settlement, the order will continue to display the pending point amount from order placement with the pending status.


Connect account to AMP

A user can connect their shopping account to their Member Plus account via the connect account placements which display in the below places. Screenshot is of the Connect Account Modal that displays post account creation:

  1. After Account Creation
  2. Homepage
  3. Account Page
  4. Order Confirmation
  • Upon pressing connect account, the user is redirected to the ACS site. User must enter accurate information for an active ACS account and complete the registration flow in order for a successful connection to occur.

  • Upon successful connection on the ACS site, the user is redirected back to the iOS homepage and the below success modal will display:

    • Upon successful connection, the user will begin to see the connected user experience immediately.
  • If the user presses cancel on the ACS site, they will be redirected back to homepage and the below failure modal will display:

    • Upon failed connection, the user will continue to see the not connected user site experience.


Connected User:

  • Points chip will display in the navigation showing the user’s ACS point balance. If user taps on the chip, message displays:

Expired User:

  • Below red banner will display on homepage below the navigation. This will appear until the user closes it.

Not Connected User:

  • Connect account placement is displays on homepage below HLE carousel.
  • Clicking CONNECT MY ACCOUNT will open the ACS site for the connection flow.
  • If user closes the placement via the X in the corner, it will reappear again on next app launch. If the user X’s it out 3 times, it will remain hidden.

Account Page

Customers are able to view their AMP status and details on their account page.

All Users:

  • Member Plus drawer is added to account page for all users

  • User can navigate to the Member plus section of their account page below:

    • Press ‘Account’ on the bottom menu —> ‘Member Plus’

Connected User:

Expired User:

Not Connected User:

  • In addition to the Member Plus drawer, not connected users will see an additional Member plus upsell placement on the account page. Clicking this open a secondary page with a connect account screen. The CONNECT ACCOUNT CTA will open the ACS site for the connection flow.
  • The Member Plus drawer will display the below for not connected users:

    • Connect Account will open the ACS site for the connection flow.

Redeem Points at Checkout

Connected users are able to redeem points at checkout

  • Field to redeem points at checkout will only display for Connected Users with > 200 points.

    • Not connected, Expired, or Connected User’s with less and 200 points will not see the field to redeem points at checkout.
  • Details

    • Points section appears below promo code section displaying user’s ACS point balance and conversion to the currency used on iOS
    • If user clicks redeem, screen to enter points displays:

      • This field will default to 200
      • User must press REDEEM to redeem points on their order.
      • User can enter and apply up to as many points as they have in their balance as long as it is in increments of 200 and less than the order total.
    • Below are examples of error states if a user enters an invalid amount of points:

    • Applied points display as a discount on order summary:

      • The amount of points redeemed converted to discount amount displays as Rewards and is subtracted from the order subtotal.

      • Applied points also display under the Points section.

        • Pressing Remove in this section will remove the redeemed points.
        • Remaining balance is displayed if applicable.

Order Confirmation Screen

Connected User

  • Connected users will see a breakdown of their estimated points earned on the order confirmation screen:

    • The amount of points displayed here are calculated based on the order total at order placement.
    • Base points + Bonus points = earned points.
    • Base Points are calculated from Default Purchase Rate in Foxtrot.
    • Bonus points are calculated from Global Point Multipler in Foxtrot.
    • If no Global Point Multipler is set, Bonus Points will be 0.
  • Message below point break-down section tells users that points will not be added to their account until the order is picked up/ delivered.

    • Messaging varies slightly for delivery vs. pick up order.

Expired User:

  • Users with an expired ACS account will not see any placement for Member plus on order confirmation.

Not Connected User:

  • Not connected users will see the below Member plus placement on the order confirmation screen:

    • Pressing Connect Account will open the ACS site for the connection flow.

Order Details Page

Connected users are able to view point details on their order details page

Before order settlement:

  • If points were redeemed on an order, the discount amount applied will display as rewards on the order summary section on the order details page.
  • Order details page will not show points earned on an order until after settlement

After order settlement:

  • If points were earned on an order, Points Earned on This Order section will display on the order detail page.
  • This section will show the total points earned upon order settlement broken out between Base + Bonus points.
    • Base Points are calculated from Default Purchase Rate in Foxtrot.
    • Bonus points are calculated from Global Point Multipler in Foxtrot.
    • If no Global Point Multipler is set, Bonus Points will be 0.
  • The amount of points displayed here are calculated based on the order total at settlement. If there is a return on the order post settlement, this section will not be updated.
  • If no points were earned on an order (ie, order was paid fully with credits) this section will not display.
  • This section will not show for expired or not-connected users.

Points Activity Chart

Connected users are able to view a table of their points activity

  • Points Activity Chart will only display for Connected Users
  • This chart will be displayed at the bottom of the users Member Plus Account page


  • Points Activity Chart will show up to the 4 most recent orders with the below fields:

    • Order #

      • Links to order details page for that order
    • Order Date

    • Total Spent

      • Order Total
    • Points Earned

      • Before settlement —> Displays total pending points based on order total at order placement. Point amount will display (pending) next to it.
      • After settlement —> Displays total earned points based on order total at settlement. Once points are added to the user’s account, (pending) will no longer display.
        • If there is a return on the order after settlement has occurred, this section will not be updated.
    • Things to note:

      • Payment fail orders will not show on the chart (may require login/logout after order status changes)
      • Cancelled orders will not show in the chart (may require login/logout after order status changes)
      • Orders with 0 pending points upon order placement do not display pending status
      • On iOS, if the ACS API goes down preventing a user from earning points at settlement, the order will continue to display the pending point amount from order placement with the pending status.