Soft Categories

As a Foxtrot admin user, I can create and manage curated soft categories for web and mobile app application.

Soft categories are curated groupings of products that can be used for various content and marketing placements.

To manage soft categories, navigate to the Soft Categories page in Foxtrot.

Soft Categories: List View

  • When a user navigates to the soft categories page, user sees a list view of all created soft categories.
    • GID autogenerated unique ID of the soft category
    • Type indicates the type of the soft category
    • Name internal name of the soft category
    • Status indicates the status of the soft category
    • Visible indicates if its visible to customers on web and mobile applications
    • # of Variants shows the total number of variants (items) in the soft category
  • Search and filter by the below fields to view a select soft category:
    • Search and filter by Type
    • Search and filter by Gid
    • Search and filter by Name
    • Search and filter by Status

Soft Categories: Create and Edit

  • To add a new soft category, click on Create Soft Category CTA on top left of the list view page
  • To view or update a soft category, click in from the list view

Details Tab

  • Name: internal facing name of the soft category
  • Type: Use dropdown to select type
    • Custom: is the default and is used for manually curated soft categories
    • Custom Rank: manually curated soft category with an additional feature to custom rank the order position of items
  • Status: sets the status of the soft category
  • Visible (mobile): sets whether the soft category is visible and accessible on mobile apps
  • Web Banner: Upload an optional 1377 x 144 banner that will display at the top of the soft category web page for an additional content placement.

The below Soft Categories and types are used specifically for machine learning algorithms powering recommendations. Do not edit or update:

  • Previously Ordered: is a data driven list of variants based off of customer’s purchase history. Only applicable for logged in customers.
    • This is known as Reorder
    • Soft category gid 1
  • Best Sellers in the last 30 days: is a data driven list of variants based off of historical sales
    • This is known as Best Sellers
    • Soft category gid 4
  • Previously Ordered and Custom: is a ML driven list of variants that looks at a user’s purchases, cart adds, or PDP views, and learns which variants the user is interested in and is able to create recommendations. Only applicable for logged in customers.
    • This is known as Top Picks
    • Soft category gid 5
  • Related Variants for Cartbuilder: is a ML driven list of variants that looks at a given customer’s cart variants and other customer’s cart & order variants, and learns which variants are commonly bought together.
    • Only used for the Cartbuilder feature in the user’s cart
    • Soft category gid 6
  • PDP Module: Customers Also Bought from recommendations V2: is a ML driven list of variants that looks at all previous orders and learns what items are commonly bought together.
    • This is known as Customers Also Bought
    • Soft category gid 796
  • PDP Module: Related variant from recommendations V2: is a ML driven list of variants that looks at variant level features(i.e. brand name, faction, category) the model finds variant that are most similar to a given variant.
    • This is known as You Might Also Consider
    • Soft category gid 797

Variants Tab

  • Users can add items at a variant (sku) level by using:
    • CSV:
      • Upload a CSV file with one column with header of gid and inputs of variant gid
      • Enter gidvalues in input box separated with a comma
    • Brand: add all variants under a Brand
    • Product: add variants by product family
    • Search by variant name or gid

Products Tab

  • Users can add items at a product level by using:
    • CSV:
      • Upload a CSV file with one column with header of gid and inputs of product gid
      • Enter gidvalues in input box separated with a comma
    • Search by product name or gid

Save and create

  • Press save to create your soft category


  • Duplicate can be used to save time on making minor changes to an existing soft category