Real Time User Segments

As a Foxtrot admin user, you can manage and create Real Time User Segments for web and mobile app application.

Real Time User Segments (RTUS) are curated groups of client users that meet certain criteria that update in real time. You can scope campaigns and features to specific Real Time User Segments.

To manage real time user segments, navigate to the Real Time User Segments page in Foxtrot.

Best Practices

  • Newly created real time user segments can take ~3 hrs to capture. After creation, any new users falling into the RTUS rule will be captured immediately.
  • Pause any Real Time User Segments that are no longer in use to help limit the amount of active RTUS at any given time. This will help reduce latency.
  • Users needs to be logged in to see any content scoped to a Real Time User Segment.

RTUS: List View

  • When a user navigates to the Real Time User Segments page, user sees a list view of all created Real Time User Segments.
    • GID: The internal unique id of the Real Time User Segment
    • Name: The internal facing name of the Real Time User Segment
    • Status: Indicates the status of the Real Time User Segment (Active, Paused or Deleted)
    • Created At: The time and date when that Real Time User Segment was created
    • Expression: A preview of the criteria of that Real Time User Segment
  • Search and filter by the below fields to view a select RTUS:
    • Search and filter by GID
    • Search and filter by Name. Search is case sensitive
    • Search and filter by Status

RTUS: Create and Update

  • To add a new real time user segment, select Create Real Time User Segment CTA on top left of the list view
  • To view or update a RTUS, click in from the list view

Segment Tab

  • Name: The internal facing name of the Real Time User Segment:
  • Filter Type: Select AND or OR
    • AND: User needs to meet all of the sets of criteria to fall into the User Segment (one Filter is one set of criteria).
    • OR: User needs to meet any of the sets of criteria to fall into the User Segment (one Filter is one set of criteria).
  • Status: The status of the Real Time User Segment
  • Add Filter: Add as many filters as necessary to configure the criteria of the Real Time User Segment
    • Type: Select the Type of filter from the dropdown
      • Example: Number of Successful Orders, User Selected Postal Code
    • Operator: Select the logic of the Type. This is different for each Type.
      • Example: In, Greater Than, Less Than
    • Add Value: Depending on the Type, you will need to add additional value(s) to help populate the Real Time User Segment.
      • Example: If Type is set to Number of Successful Orders, adding a value will display a text field where you can enter your criteria for number of orders.
      • Example: If Type is set to User Selected Location Group, adding a value will display a dropdown where you can search and find the specific location group.
      • User can ADD and REMOVE as many values as necessary
        • Remove by clicking the red box next to the filter value.
  • User can ADD and REMOVE as many filters as necessary
    • Remove by clicking the red X in the top right corner of the filter
  • Press save and create in the top left corner to save