Attribution and Rules

Category File

File NameField NameRequirementDescriptionFormat
Category Filecategory_idRequiredUnique category id identifier.String: Must be unique
Category Filecategory_pathRequiredFull category path. This will be used for category path updates and creation of new paths.String delimited by >

Enrichment File

File NameField NameRequirementDescriptionFormat
Enrichment Fileproduct_idRequiredUnique product Id to help identify all SKU groupings within a productString
Enrichment Fileproduct_nameRequiredProduct nameString
Enrichment Filevariant_optionsOptionalPass variant option type (ie: Color) separated by : variant option value (ie: White) in one string.
If a sku has multiple variant options, use | to concatenate the options
String pipe deliminited
Enrichment FileskuRequiredUnique sku id of an itemString
Enrichment FilebrandOptionalBrand nameString
Enrichment FilenameRequiredVariant name (excluding brand name)String
Enrichment Fileextended_nameOptionalExtended name String
Enrichment Filelong_descriptionOptionalLong description of an item.
Note: if is_perishable = 1, product_grade, product_origin, product_size will be appended to the long description.
Enrichment FileingredientsOptionalVariant ingredients which also gets appended to product description on the PDPString
Enrichment Filecategory_idRequiredCategory identifier for where a sku is located on the siteString - Mapping to Category File value
Enrichment Fileis_chillOptionalUsed for on-demand (express) fulfillment, this identifies if an item needs to be in a freezer. If an order has 1 or more isfrozen order variants, a snowflake icon will show in express to let pickers & riders know about freezer items.

_Only applicable if Express is enabled for your organization
Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Fileis_frozenOptionalUsed for on-demand (express) fulfillment, this identifies if an item needs to be in a freezer. If an order has 1 or more isfrozen order variants, a snowflake icon will show in express to let pickers & riders know about freezer items.

_Only applicable if Express is enabled for your organization
Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Fileis_dry_goodOptionalUsed for on-demand (express) fulfillment, this identifies if an item is a dry good. The attribute will appear in Xpress Admin on Order Details and in the pack slip.

Only applicable if Express is enabled for your organization
Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Fileis_fresh_foodOptionalUsed for on-demand (express) fulfillment, this identifies if an item is fresh food. The attribute will appear in Xpress Admin on Order Details and in the pack slip.

Only applicable if Express is enabled for your organization
Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment FileweightOptionalUnit weight of an itemFloat
Enrichment FilelengthOptionalUnit length of an itemFloat
Enrichment FilewidthOptionalUnit width of an itemFloat
Enrichment FileheightOptionalUnit height of an itemFloat
Enrichment FilevolumeOptionalUnit volume of an itemFloat
Enrichment Filenon_halalOptionalUsed to identify if item is non halalInteger: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Fileis_age_gatedOptionalUsed for any age gated items where customer must select they are over 21 years old to purchaseInteger: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Filemax_cart_quantityOptionalThe max quantity a customer can purchase of an item in one order.Integer
Enrichment Fileunit_countRequiredUnit countInteger - For example Coca Cola 1 Liter:
Unit Count = 1
Enrichment Fileunit_typeRequiredUnit typeString - For example Coca Cola 1 Liter:
Unit Type = Each
Enrichment Fileis_perishableOptionalIf an item is perishable then certain attributes (product grade, product size, product origin) must be shown on the Product Details tab. We append these attributes to Long Description.Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Fileproduct_originOptionalIf an item is perishable then certain attributes (product grade, product size, product origin) must be shown on the Product Details tab. We append these attributes to Long Description.String
Enrichment Fileproduct_gradeOptionalIf an item is perishable then certain attributes (product grade, product size, product origin) can be shown on the Product Details tab. We append these attributes to Long Description.String
Enrichment Fileproduct_sizeOptionalIf an item is perishable then certain attributes (product grade, product size, product origin) must be shown on the Product Details tab. We append these attributes to Long Description.String
Enrichment FileupcsRequiredUPC of an itemString
Enrichment FilebarcodeOptionalBarcode for an itmString
Enrichment Filetax_rateOptionalTax rate will be included in the item price.

Only applicable if VAT is enabled for your organization
Float representing the percent of tax e.g. 10% = 10.00
Enrichment Fileseo_titleOptionalSEO title of a skuString
Enrichment Fileseo_keywordsOptionalSEO keywords of a sku. Using | as concatenation, you'll be able to send multiple keywords. Ie: milk|fresh milk|dairyString pipe deliminated
Enrichment Fileseo_descriptionOptionalSEO description of a skuString
Enrichment FilecostOptionalCost of skuFloat
Enrichment Fileshow_in_product_listOptionalFlag to identify if SKU appears in galleries. If set to false, SKU will not appear in galleries but still found with direct PDP link. (ie: giveaway items).
Default is 1
Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Filedisplay_as_oosOptionalFlag to identify if SKU should still appear on site if item is OOS.
Default is 0
Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Enrichment Filegoogle_category_pathOptionalGoogle product category path used for product feeds.

Only applicable if product feeds is enabled for your organization
Enrichment Filecustomer_scopeOptionalFlag to identify user scope of a sku.
Default is 0.

Only applicable if B2B is enabled for your organization
0 - Default → Variant exposed for all users, regardless of view type
1 - Business Users Only → Variant exposed for only users in Business view
2 - Exclude Business Users → Variant only exposed for users in Standard view
Enrichment Fileproduct_keywordsOptionalProduct keywords that enables Spresso platform search capabilities.String pipe deliminated
Enrichment Filefulfillment_methodDeprecatedPlease note this field is moving to the inventory file to allow setting by fulfiller_location

One variant can only have one fultillment method
0 = parcel delivery
1 = express delivery/pick up
Integer: 0 (Parcel/Standard) or 1 (In House, BOPIS)
Enrichment Fileimage_linksRequired

Can leave empty for enrichment updates if there are no image updates
Links to the publicly accessible storage container for catalog image hosting, use | multiple imagesPipe delimited URLs from storage container
Enrichment Fileshow_expiration_dateOptionalIf a variant has an associated expiration date and this field is set to true, it will display to customers on web and mobile apps. Integer:
0 - False (Do Not Display default)
1 - True (Display)
Enrichment Fileavatax_codeOptionalThe variants associated tax code. Required for calculating tax via Avalara

Only applicable if your organization leverages Avalara for tax management
Enrichment Filerequires_bottle_depositOptional0 - false
1 - true

Only applicable for US based customers
0 - False
1 - True
Enrichment Filebottle_volumeOptionalThe fluid ounces of each bottle/can in a pack. Required for calculating bottle deposit fee.

Only applicable for US based customers
Enrichment Filepiece_countOptionalThe number of bottles/cans in the pack. Required for calculating bottle deposit fee.

Only applicable for US based customers
Enrichment Filebeverage_container_materialOptionalThe material of the bottle/can. Only required for calculating the bottle deposit fee with Avalara.

Only applicable for US-based customers leveraging Avalara for tax management
Key/Value mapping:
0 - Glass
1 - Paperboard
2 - Plastic #1 (PET)
3 - Plastic #2 (HDPE)
4 - Plastic #3 (PVC)
5 - Plastic #4 (LDPE)
6 - Plastic #5 (PP)
7 - Plastic #6 (PS)
8 - Aluminum
9 - Plastic #7 (Other)
10 - Bi-Metal
11 - BoxBladderPouch
Enrichment FileslugOptionalAllows clients to customize and set the slug of variants

Logic & Validation:
No special characters (will be stripped) or spaces (please use "-" instead)

If slug column header exists in the file:

- If row value exists, update slug to row value
- If row value is empty/null, the slug will update to via the default logic (this means if you previously set a variant's slug to a custom value, it will be defaulted back to our default logic for the given row)

If slug header does not exist in the file
- If the slug value is empty on BE (for new product creation), update slug to default value
- If the slug value is not empty (existing product), no updates will be made to the slug value Default Slug Logic: brand + name + extended_name
Enrichment Fileshow_in_bulk_purchase_list OptionalAllows admins to display variant on the bulk purchase page (if enabled for your organization)

All variants are set to 0 by default.

If the column exists in the file and is empty: the variant value will be set to 0.

If the column does not exist in the file, there will be no change to the variant's value
Boolean: 0 - False; 1 - True.
Enrichment Filebulk_purchase_unit_priceOptionalAllows admins to set a variant's discounted bulk unit price on the bulk purchase page (if enabled for your organization)Float
Enrichment Filebulk_purchase_selling_unitsOptionalAllows admins to set a variant's discounted bulk selling units on the bulk purchase page (if enabled for your organization)Integer
Enrichment Filefuture_bulk_purchase_unit_priceOptionalAllows admins to set a variant's discounted future bulk unit price on the bulk purchase page (if enabled for your organization)Float
Enrichment Filefuture_bulk_purchase_price_effective_dateOptionalAllows admins to set a variant's discounted future bulk unit price effective date on the bulk purchase page (if enabled for your organization)Date: YYYY-MM-DD

Pricing File

File NameField NameRequirementDescriptionFormat
Pricing Filemall_codeRequiredMaps to the parent mall created in the store creation fileString
Pricing Filemall_nameOptionalMaps to the parent mall created in the store creation fileString
Pricing Filestore_codeRequiredMaps to the store code in the parent mall created in the store creation fileString - must be unique
Pricing Filestore_nameOptionalMaps to the store name in the parent mallString
Pricing FileskuRequiredMaps to existing SKUString
Pricing FilepriceRequiredStandard price of the itemFloat
Pricing Filesale_priceOptionalSale price of the item.

Any additional promotions created in Foxtrot admin will be applied on top of this sale price

Inventory File

File NameField NameRequirementDescriptionFormat
Inventory Filemall_codeRequiredMaps to the parent mall created in the store creation fileString
Inventory Filemall_nameOptionalMaps to the parent mall created in the store creation fileString
Inventory Filestore_codeRequiredMaps to the store code in the parent mall created in the store creation fileString - must be unique
Inventory Filestore_nameOptionalMaps to the store name in the parent mallString
Inventory FileskuRequiredMaps to existing SKUString
Inventory FilequantityRequiredAvailable selling quantity of an itemInterger
Inventory Fileis_publishedRequiredFlag to identify if sku should be visible to customers or not. Default is 1.Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Inventory Fileexpiration_dateOptional(Optional) the date of expiration. format is YYYY-MM-DD and localized to client timezoneDate: YYYY-MM-DD Format
Inventory Filefulfillment_methodRequiredPlease note this field is permanently moving to the inventory file to allow setting by fulfiller_location

One variant can only have one fultillment method
0 = parcel delivery
1 = express delivery/pick up
Integer: 0 (Parcel/Standard) or 1 (In House, BOPIS)

Inventory Delta File

File NameField NameRequirementDescriptionFormat
Inventory Filemall_codeRequiredMaps to the parent mall created in the store creation fileString
Inventory Filemall_nameOptionalMaps to the parent mall created in the store creation fileString
Inventory Filestore_codeRequiredMaps to the store code in the parent mall created in the store creation fileString - must be unique
Inventory Filestore_nameOptionalMaps to the store name in the parent mallString
Inventory FileskuRequiredMaps to existing SKUString
Inventory Filequantity_deltaRequiredBy default we will assume a positive integer and add that number to the existing quantity

A negative value will signify a subtraction of the existing inventory
Inventory Fileis_publishedRequiredFlag to identify if sku should be visible to customers or not. Default is 1.Integer: 0 - No, 1 - Yes