Custom Business Portal

As an admin user, you can configure a custom business portal for your business customers.


Custom Portals are managed Business Accounts with a tailored web experience for users of the Business Account. All aspects of the custom portal are configured on the Business Accounts page in Foxtrot and all of these settings must be managed by an admin user. Business users are not able to manage this directly.

Below are examples of website UX based on Business Account settings in Foxtrot.

Custom vanity slug & custom login screen

In the example below:

  • Vanity Slug field is set to: portalbusiness
  • Custom Login is enabled with Login Message, Login Image and Auto Enroll selected

If user enters the vanity slug at the end of the website URL, they will see the custom login screen appear.

On this screen:

  1. Users with existing standard accounts can sign in to be added to the business.

  2. Existing members of the business account can sign in.

Sign Up Credit Bonus

If Sign Up Credit Bonus is set to 100 and user joins business account via auto enroll they will see their credits added in their account menu:

Business-Level Discount

If a Discount is set on the business account level, that percentage will be automatically applied as a promo at checkout:

Logo Image

If Logo Image is added, users logged in to that business account will see that logo in their navigation bar:

Limited SKU Experience

If Limited Variant Selection is set to Exclude all items, users logged into the business account will only be able to view and shop the added variants. They will not see the category navigation or any other pages. This feature should be used if a business wants to limit the variants their members can purchase.

If this is checked, the eligible variants to purchase will need to be added under variants, either directly or through CSV Upload.

Web Banner Interstitials Display

If Display Web Banner Interstitials is not checked, users in that business account will not see any see any banner interstitials that otherwise would have displayed to business users.

Promotions Eligibility

If Able to Participate in Promotions is not checked, users in that business account will not see any see any promotions on items that otherwise would have displayed to business users.

Promo Code Eligibility

If Able to Use Promo Codes is not checked, users in that business account will not be able to apply any promo codes that otherwise would have been avaliable to business users.

Credits Eligibility

If Able to Use Credits is not checked, users in that business account will not be able to apply credits at checkout.


If payment is set to Invoice Enabled, invoicing is enabled for the business account. A credit limit can be set and will shared among all users of the business account.

All orders placed by the business account will be using invoicing. Other payment methods won't be available.

Credit remaining will be indicated at checkout.

When the cart total is above the remaining credit, the user won't be able to place the order.

When balance is paid off, payment can be reflected on Foxtrot. Read more in Payment Settings > Invoice Enabled.


All aspects of payment (invoicing, collecting & tracking payment) must be handled outside of the system.

Checkout screen for invoiced business account

Checkout screen for invoiced business account

Order details screen for invoiced business account

Order details screen for invoiced business account