Create/Update Shipment

PUT /v1/fulfillments/:fulfillmentId/shipments (API Reference)


  • Creates or updates an existing shipment on a fulfillment
    • By default, this will create a new shipment. If a shipment with the same tracking number already exists on the fulfillment, this will instead update shipment details.

Path Parameters

  • (required) Fulfillment ID: the fulfillment id for the relevant fulfillment

Body Parameters

  • (required) carrier: string — The shipping carrier enum indicating what carrier is used for shipping (i.e. fedex)
  • (required) carrierReferenceId: string — The carrier’s reference id in their system (can use trackingNumber if no such reference id exists)
  • (required) trackingNumber: string — The trackingNumber for the shipment
  • (required) shipmentVariants: Array - These are the variants that are shipped for each shipment
    • (required) variant: string - The variantId corresponding to the items shipped
    • (required) quantity: number - The quantity of the item
  • (optional) trackingUrl: string — The tracking url a customer can use to view the status of the shipment in the carriers system (ex. view the status of UPS delivering a shipment)