Fulfillment Locations

Fulfillment Locations page is used to create and manage fufilment locations

To access Fulfillment Locations page, go to Navigation bar then click on Fulfillment Locations.

List view

Seller can view list of fulfillment locations (FLs) including both enabled and disabled FLs

  • Each FL card will include:

    • FL name
    • FL ID
    • FL address
    • Edit button
    • Remove button
    • Disabled tag if FL is disabled

Add location

As a seller, I am able to create and add fulfillment location

  • List of info required to add fulfillment location

    • Location Information
      • Fulfillment Location Name
      • Fulfillment Location
      • Address
      • City
      • State
      • Zip Code
      • Days and hours of operation
      • Lead Time
        • Note: This will be shown and displayed to the customers
    • Distribution Details
      • Location served
        • All States
        • Malaysia States
        • Specific Zip Codes
    • Inventory Level
      • Binary: In stock/ Out of stock
      • Actual: Exact quantity
  • After filling all required information, click on Save location button to create location
  • FL will be set Enabled as default after user create successfully

Update fulfillment locations

Seller can edit or remove fulfillment locations

  • Edit location:

    • On FL list view, user can choose the FL that need to be updated then click on Edit button
    • User will be directed to FL detail page:
      • User can update FL information
      • User can enable or disable FL by switch ON-OFF button
    • Click on Save button after updating to save the changes
  • Remove location:

    • On FL list view, user can choose the FL that need to be removed then click on Remove button
    • Click on Ok, Remove to confirm this action
    • The removed FL will disappear from FL list view