Pickup manager

Pickup Manager allow worker mark orders as picked up by the customer.

  • As a Pickup Manager, I can see Pick Up orders for my mall

    • Select date on the date picker
      • Defaulted to today’s date
      • Pickup Manager can look up dates up to 6 months back and 1 month forward
    • Pick up orders are displayed and sorted by pick up window for the date selected
      • All pick up orders are are shown regardless of status
      • Details
        • Order Number
        • Fulfillment Number
        • Number of products and number of items
        • Number of stores where items are located
        • Customer Name
        • Order’s pick up window
        • Payment due at delivery for Cash on Delivery orders
        • Order status (on the left-hand side)
          📣 Comment icon will be displayed if the order has any internal notes added on Xpress Admin
    • Tap on an order to view details

      • Overview:
        • Order’s delivery/pick up window or estimated delivery date
        • Number of products (unique products) and number of items (total number of items including multiple quantities of the same product)
        • Fulfillment method (Pick Up)
      • Stores: List of stores where items are located
      • Payment Details: Only displays if order is Cash on Delivery and shows amount due
      • Contact: Customer’s name, phone number and client view type (Standard or Business)
      • Address: Customer’s address
      • Instructions: Instructions provided by the customer, if any
      • Internal Notes: Notes related the fulfillment added by internal users on Xpress Admin
      • Fulfilled Products: Displays items in the order and quantity fulfilled during picking
  • As a Pickup Manager, I can collect payment and mark orders as being picked up by customer
    📣 Only Complete Shopping orders can be marked picked up

    • Cash on Delivery orders (payment due at pick up)

      • Tap “Collect Payment” on the order detail screen

        • Selecting Could not reach customer, Could not complete payment or Other will set the order as Failed
      • Select payment method

      • Input required information

      • You can edit payment before marking the order as Picked Up

        • Tap on Payment Details to void payment
      • Tap “Mark Order As Picked Up” upon completion

        • Order status updates to Picked Up
        • Payment can no longer be edited

        📣 When Amount Due = 0, “Collect Payment” flow is skipped. User can mark the order as Delivered without inputting payment information.

    • All other orders

      • Selecting “Could not reach customer”, “Could not complete payment” or “Other” will set the order as Failed
      • Tap “Picked Up By Customer” on the order detail screen
        • Order status updates to Picked Up
  • ⚠️ Note about Locked Orders

    • When an order is locked, it means that updates are being made to the order by customer service on Foxtrot
    • Worker will not be able to make updates to the locked order on the Shopper App (e.g. Confirm the order, tap Complete Shopping, etc.)
    • Worker should reach out to Customer Service/Team Lead for details
    • In practice, it's best practice for the Team Lead to notify the worker when they need to lock an order