
Products page is used to create and manage marketplace products

To access Products page, go to Navigation bar then click on Products.

As a seller user, I am able to create and manage my product assortment for marketplace

Product is defined as a grouping of SKUs. SKU is defined as a unique seller unit of an item.

Create products

  • When a user clicks on Create SKU button, user is able to "Add new SKU to a new product" or "Add new SKU to an existing product"

    • Select "Add new SKU to an existing product" to create a brand new product and SKU

    • Select "Add new SKU to a new product" to add a new SKU option (flavor, size, scent) to an existing product grouping

    • User must add Product Attributes

      • Adding product attributes on Seller Portal

        • Category (required): search to find the category your item should below under. Once selected, user will be able to add SKU attributes.

          • Note: Admin has to set up category on Foxtrot for it to show up on category tree on Web/Mobile apps
        • Brand Name (optional): Brand name of the product

        • Product Name (required): Product name of the product. Product name should not include brand name.

        • Age Restricted (required): mandatory input. If yes, then customer's must confirm they are over 21 to purchase an item

    • User must add SKU attributes

      • Adding SKU attributes on Seller Portal

        • Product Information

          • Product name: pull from the Product attribute of Product Name
          • Seller SKU (required): mandatory input. Seller's unique SKU identifier
          • UPC (required): mandatory input. UPC of the item. UPC checks for 11-12 digits and must be unique to an item
          • Unit Count (required): mandatory input. Selling unit count of the item
          • Unit Type (required): mandatory input. Selling unit type of the item.
          • Price (required): mandatory input. Selling price to customer of the item
          • Sale Price (optional): Sale price to the customer of the item
          • Taxes (optional): is taxable or not
        • Product Dimensions

          • Unit Length (in cm): mandatory input. unit length of the item
          • Unit Width (in cm): mandatory input. unit width of the item
          • Unit Height (in cm): mandatory input. unit height of the item
          • Unit Weight (in kg): mandatory input. unit weight of the item
          • Shipping Length (in cm) : mandatory input. shipping length of the item
          • Shipping Width (in cm) : mandatory input. shipping width of the item
          • Shipping Height (in cm): mandatory input. shipping height of the item
          • Shipping Weight (in kg) : mandatory input. shipping weight of the item
        • Product Details

          • SKU Description (required): mandatory input. SKU details and description of the item
            • this displays under the Product Details tab of the PDP
          • Size/Flavor/Scent/Color (optional): SKU option of the item. Please only input if the product has multiple SKU options
            • this displays as a dropdown option on the PDP. Additionally this is added to show as Extended Info 2 on the PDP
          • Ingredients (optional): ingredients of the item.
          • Allergens (optional): any allergens of the item
        • Additional Details

          • GTIN (optional): global trade item number
          • SEO (optional): search engine optimization tags of the item
        • Image Gallery

          • Photo guideline one pager to be provided by your organization
          • Main image: mandatory input. Main image of the item. This is the first image to display on the PPD and is the image shown on galleries.
          • Other SKU images (optional): other alt images of the item
          • SKU nutritional photo (optional): image of the nutritional label of the item
          • SKU video (optional): video content of the item

List view

When a user navigates to the Products page, user sees a list of all created SKUs.

  • User can use search bar to search skus by UPC, Product Name, Seller SKU or BSIN

    • BSIN = Standard Identification Number
    • User is able to search multiple SKUs by using comma separated search parameter (eg: "UPC1231, UPC1234")
  • User can use filters to find SKUs

    • Status filter: Active Pending Rejected Archived

      📣 By default, the table will return up to 25 skus that are in the states of Active Pending Rejected .

      • Active = approved (live on site if there is inventory)
      • Pending = pending approval by a admin user (for brand new sku, it's not live on site. for an approved sku with inventory, it could still be live on site but changes are pending approval)
      • Rejected = rejected approval by a admin user (for brand new sku, it's not live on site. for an approved sku with inventory, it could still be live on site but changes are rejected)
      • Archived = inactive and archived sku (not live on site)
    • Category filter: user can search by category name to filter by category

  • User can customize their table view by using Edit Column feature

    • Use the checkbox to show column on table view
    • Clicking and using drag and drop allows you to edit the order of columns

Manage SKUs

User can manage all the SKU variations within a product

  • Once SKUs are created, you will be able to see a list of all SKUs within a product on the Product Attributes page

    • If there is only one variation of an item, then a product will only have one sku

    • If there are multiple variations, a product can have multiple SKUs and the variation option will display in order of the variation dropdown on the PDP

      • To change the order (for example: to show Size variation option in order of X-Small, Small, Medium, Large) simply drag and drop the SKUs in the preferred order
  • User can duplicate SKUs for faster creation of options

    • On the Product Attributes page within the SKU table, click on the 3 ... to select Duplicate or on the SKU Attributes page, click on Duplicate button

      • Once duplicate, all attributes will copy over with the exception of Seller SKU UPC and Size / Flavor / Scent / Color

Edit products

User can edit product information on product page.

  • After selecting product, click on Edit button to start edit product information.
  • Click on Submit for Approval after editing