Bottle Deposits


For US-based clients, the platform natively supports the calculation and collection of bottle deposits for applicable states.

Variants: Bottle Deposit Configuration

Variants that are applicable for Bottle Deposit collections must be configured on the Variant Merch/Marketing tab. Steps to configure bottle deposits:

  1. Navigate to the specific variant page and select Merch/Marketing tab
  2. There are 3 fields required to apply bottle deposits:
    1. Has Bottle DepositCheckbox to collect bottle deposit
    2. Bottle Volume# of ounces per bottle. For example, for a 12-pack of Cocoa-Cola cans, the bottle volume would be 12 ounces
    3. Piece Count# of bottles per variant. For example, for a 12-pack of Cocoa-Cola cans, the piece count would be 12
  3. Input the required values and save the variant

Bottle Deposit Page

The Bottle Deposit Page allows users to configure and update fees for each state's bottle deposit regulation.

Bottle Deposit: List View

The Bottle Deposit list view page displays the current configurations for each state's bottle deposit rules and logic. When a user navigates to the Bottle Deposit page, the user sees a list view of all state's configurations.

  • State: Link to the Bottle Deposit detail page
  • Number of Tiers: Number of tiers of fees
  • Number of Variants: Number of variants with custom handling rules
  • Last Updated: Date of last time configuration was updated

Bottle Deposit: Detail Page

The Bottle Deposit detail page allows users to update and configure bottle deposit fees for individual states.

  • State: The two-letter state abbreviation to apply bottle deposit fees
  • Tiers: This section allows for multiple tiers of fees depending the volume of each bottle:
    • Name: Internal identifier for Tier
    • Min Vol: Minimum ounces applicable for the fee tier
    • Max Vol: Maximum ounces applicable for the fee tier
    • Rate: $ amount fee applied to each bottle (0.10 = 10 cent per bottle)
  • Variant Override: This section allows users to apply custom fees to individual variants
    • Variant: Search for the variant to apply custom fees to
    • Rate: Custom $ amount fee applied to each bottle


Once a state's tiers have been set on the Bottle Deposit page and variants configured, bottle deposit fees will be calculated during checkout and appear as a separate line item, Regulatory Fee, with a tooltip explaining that it is due to the customer's state bottle deposit regulation. The fee is calculated by looking up the variants' applicable tier fee multiple by the piece count.