News Feed Entities

As a Foxtrot admin user, I am able to create and manage news feeds for web and mobile app application.

News Feed Entities are individual content placements that make up a user's newsfeed. These placements can be used as an additional marketing or content placement. Newsfeeds appear on web and mobile apps for logged in customers.

See below for an example of a newsfeed. Each placement is one individual news feed entity:

To manage news feed entities, navigate to the News Feed Entities page in Foxtrot.

News Feed Entities: List View

When a user navigates to News Feed page, user sees a list view of all created News Feeds.

  • GID is the internal unique id of the news feed
  • Title is external facing copy that a customer will see
  • Type the link that the news feed will bring the customer
  • State shows the status of the news feed
  • Publish Date shows the date the news feed will go live
  • Scope shows if the page is scoped to specific segments or global (meaning default to all customers)

Search and filter by the below fields to view a select news feed:

  • Search and filter by GID
  • Search and filter by Title. Search is case sensitive
  • Search and filter by State

News Feed Entities: Create and Update


  • Click Create News Feed Entity CTA on top left page of the list view
  • Scope: Can scope by all typical segments. If no specific scope, leave as global.
  • State: Identify the state the news feed is in. Published means its eligible to go live if publish date is met
  • Name: Internal name text of news feed
  • Display Title: External customer facing text of banner
  • Publish Date: News Feed will display this date in the feed once it is published. This date will also default as the start date.
  • Text: Customer facing body text of the news feed
  • References Where you pick soft category, product, or URL to link out to as a secondary page from the newsfeed
    • Select Entity Type:
      • Pick No Reference if there is no secondary link
        • Soft category CTA = Shop Now
        • URL CTA = Learn More
    • Add Reference: Where you enter the category, soft category or URL to link out to
  • Images:
    • Upload image in both Thumbnail and Detail Section
    • Detail Aspect Ratio should be 1
  • Warehouses: If applicable, target newsfeed to only users in select warehouse locations
  • Click Save and Create
  • After saving the News Feed, a link to “View Action” will appear in the details section. You will need to click into this to edit the Start Date, End Date, Scope or References of the newsfeed.

News Feed Entities: Image Asset Guide

  • Image: 200px x 200px (any square image at least 96x96)
  • Final Files: PNG or JPG