Segmentation and Marketing Levers for Business Accounts

As an admin user, you can segment marketing levers to Business Accounts.

By default, Business Accounts are eligible for all Spresso Marketing Levers. To target specific marketing messages and campaigns to Business Accounts, admin users can utilize the below methods of segmentation.

User Segments:

  • You can create User Segments by Business Account(s) to target one or multiple Business Accounts.
    • Can add one, or multiple. No true limit.
    • Can only do ‘in’ no option for ‘not in’
      • For this reason you can’t say “All accounts except”
    • You can combine via filters with other fields like “Number of Successful Orders” or “Postal Code” if necessary, but any changes to those additional fields would take 30 minutes to reflect
    • Marketing levers can be scoped by User Segments if you need to show the Business Account(s) a specific message.
      • User needs to be logged in to see the content scoped to the User Segment
      • For marketing placements that can display multiple messages (news feeds, banner interstitials) if any are scoped to GLOBAL they will show for all users, regardless of any User Segments they are in.

Real Time User Segments:

  • You can create a RTUS by Business View Type, but not for specific Business Accounts. This will create real time user segment for all business users in general
    • Can combine with other real time details like Number of Successful Orders to scope content to B2B New User vs. B2B Existing User.
    • Marketing levers can be scoped by RTUS if you need to show the overall business segment a specific message.
      • User needs to be logged in to see the content scoped to the Real Time User Segment
      • For marketing placements that can display multiple messages (news feeds, banner interstitials) if any are scoped to GLOBAL they will show for all users, regardless of any RTUS they are in.

Promo Codes and Promotions:

  • All global promo codes & promotions will apply to business users, unless those specific business accounts are not eligible via their custom portal. See more about Custom Portals.
  • Promo Codes and Promotions can be scoped to a specific Business Account if the discount should only apply to a select Business Account.
  • Promo codes and Promotions can be scoped by User Segments or RTUS to determine if business users or accounts are eligible for the discount.

Auto-Applied Discounts at Checkout:

  • Business Accounts can have auto-applied discounts at checkout if it is configured via their custom portal in Foxtrot. See more about Custom Portals.

Pages Segmentation:

  • All pages can be scoped specifically for business users or business accounts:
    • Pages can be scoped by User Segments set to a specific business account.
      • There is no option to scope pages by RTUS.
    • For real time segmentation that captures all business users, pages can be scoped using Query Params:
      • showBusinessView → Captures any user in business view type
        • Combine with other query params to further segment your B2B homepage:
          • B2B New user (Any business user with 0 orders):
            • Includes segment showBuinessView, AND requires segment isNewUser
          • B2B Existing user (Any business user with +1 order):
            • Includes segment showBuinessView, AND requires segment isExistingUser


  • Marketing levers and can be scoped by User Segments or RTUS to determine if business users or accounts can see the placements.
    • All global actions will be visible to business users.
  • Navigations can be scoped by User Segments, RTUS or Query Params to determine if business users can see the placement.
    • All global navigations will be visible to business users.