Products & Variants

Product and Variant Overview

Product: A grouping of items
Variant: An unique item
Variant Options: What differentiates the variants within a product



Product: Prince & Spring Jackpot Popcorn Sweet & Salty
Variant: 24 x 1oz, 2 x 5.5oz
Variant Option: Size


Products: List View

  • Thumbnail shows the fist image of the product
  • Details shows GID, Name, Extended Name, and URL slug of the product
  • Variants lists out all the variants grouped within the product

Products: Filter

  • Search and filter by GID
  • Search and filter by BSIN. Only applicable if Marketplace is enabled for your organization
  • Search and filter by Name
  • Search and filter by Fulfiller. Only applicable if Marketplace is enabled for your organization

Products: View and Edit

  • Properties

    • ProductGID: autogenerated unique ID of the product

    • Show in Product Listenabling this would show the product grouping as a tile on the list view. This should only be used if a product has multiple variants.

      • Through the ingestion process, this will be checked when a product has variant options (in addition to Show in Product List being checked at the variant-level)
    • Is Age Gated determines if the age-gated prompt will show up when a customer adds any of the variants to cart

    • Name is ingested from product_name from enrichment file

    • Extended Name redundant and can ignore

    • Slug is the URL slug of the product

    • Keywords used for SEO

    • Notes can be used by users for internal notes that are not customer facing

    • Variant Option Types this will show the variant option type of the product family (eg: Size)

    • Variants this will show all the grouped variants of the product

    • Properties please ignore, this is no longer being used

    • Images user can drag and drop the order of the product images. This impacts the grouped Product tile on the gallery with View Choices CTA

    • Prop 65 user can set prop 65 warning to appear on the PDP for customers. Only applicable if enabled for your organization

      • Select Message Type from dropdown. Depending on the selection of Message Type, user can input the chemical value.
      • Message will show preview of the text that will appear to customers.
    • Factions user can create factions and tag products with necessary factions. This is not customer facing and used for downstream processes.
      • Temperature sensitivity is tagged based off of is_chilled or is_frozen from enrichment file
      • Is perishable is tagged off of is_perishable from enrichment file
      • Japanese Export is tagged off of product_origin = Japan from enrichment file. Only applicable if enabled for your organization
      • Non Halal is tagged off of non_halal from enrichment file. Only applicable if enabled for your organization
    • Categories user can tag and update the category the product and all the variants fall under
      • This is tagged off of the category tree provided from the catalog file
  • [Products: Variant Reorder]

    • Enable Reordering of Variants via Foxtrot
      • You can utilize the product page in foxtrot to reorder the variants on The product page will include a list of variants in a table with a drag and drop symbol. When you reorder the variants in foxtrot, it will update the order of options on your PDPs on web and mobile app.
      • If a variant is missing some data in foxtrot, we automatically disable the ability to reorder the variant and showcase an error message within the section.
        πŸ’‘ Please note, if a customer gets directed to a specific variants' PDP that variant will always listed first followed by the rest of the variants based on the foxtrot set up.



  • A variant in the Spresso Commerce system can be defined as a SKU
  • All variants will be created and updated using enrichment file. Any changes made to fields that are being passed through the enrichment file could be overridden with the next feed. See Creation & Management page for details

Variants: List View

  • GID internal unique id of the variant
  • Thumbnail first image of the variant
  • Product product name of the variant
  • Name variant name
  • Extended Info extended info of the variant
  • Extended Info2 not applicable
  • Sale Price not applicable
    • Sale price of the variant will be saved on the Variant Fulfiller Location level
  • UPCsUPC of the variant

Variants: Filter

  • Search and filter by GID
  • Search and filter by BSIN
    • Only applicable if Marketplace is enabled for your organization
  • Search and filter by UPCs
  • Search and filter by Branding Text
  • Search and filter by Name
  • Search and filter by Active State
  • Search and filter by Classification
    • Only applicable if Marketplace is enabled for your organization
  • Search and filter by Variant Options Status
  • Search and filter by Fulfiller
    • Only applicable if Marketplace is enabled for your organization
  • Search and filter by Variant Values

Variants: View and Edit

  • Click on variant GID hyperlink to see details
  • Note: For Marketplace variants (identifiable with Classification = Dropship), fields filled in by Sellers will be read only in Foxtrot. Only applicable if Marketplace is enabled for your organization
  • General/Display
    • Users can add internal comments in the Notes section. This will not be customer facing
    • Base Data
      • click on Link Out CTA to be linked to the PDP of the variant
      • GID autogenerated internal ID of the variant
      • Product shows the product family of the variant. Click on View/Edit Product CTA to see the product page
      • Variant ID autogenerated data base id
      • Classification not applicable
      • SKU Organization's sku id of the variant
      • UPCs UPC of the variant
    • Variant Details
      • Branding Text pulls from brand_name from the enrichment file
      • Name Text pulls from name from the enrichment file
      • Extended Info Text pulls from the extended_name from the enrichment file
      • Name is a concatenation of Branding Text + Name Text
      • Long Description pulls from long_description from enrichment file
      • Ingredientspulls from ingredients from the enrichment file
      • Variant Values you can tag variant values (eg: Organic). To create, please refer to Variant Values training guide
    • Pricing Info
      • Cost cost of item
      • Price pulls from the enrichment file
      • Sales Do notuse. Sale price will be saved on the Variant Fulfiller Location level so each store can have its own sale price
      • Save Percent Overridenot applicable
      • Unit Type pulls from unit_type from enrichment file
      • Unit Count pulls from unit_count from enrichment file
        • Unit Type & Unit Count will be used to calculate a customer facing price per unit. If Unit Count = 1, price per unit will not show to customers.
    • Display Logic and Configs
      • State configures the status of the variant. If variant is not Active, the variant will not show on site
      • Max Cart Quantity defines how many quantities a customer can place one order of
      • Customer Scope defines specific customer group who can view the variant
        • Default - All customers
        • Business Users Only - variant can only be seen by B2B customers. Only applicable if B2B is enabled for your organization
        • Exclude Business Users - variant can only be seen by B2C customers. Only applicable if B2B is enabled for your organization
        • Specific Business Accounts Only - variant can only be seen by users in the selected business accounts. Only applicable if B2B is enabled for your organization
          • Product must be added to select Business Account on their individual Business Account page.
      • Show in Product List controls whether this variant will display in the list view
      • Display as Out of Stock controls whether the variant will show if item is out of stock. If unchecked, the variant will not display on site if out of stock
      • Display Expiration Datecontrols whether the variant will diisplay the expiration date on the Product Details tab of the PDP. Please note, that a variant must have an associated expiration date added via the inventory file to display this.
      • Exclude from back in stock notification controls whether a variant is part of a back in stock notification.
        • Note: Only applicable if OOS email notifications is enabled for your organization
      • Anchor Position controls the rank position of the variant in the list view. Users can use this to force rank a variant higher on the list view.
  • Merch/Marketing
    • Brand links the variant to the Brand object
    • View Variant Promotions will bring you to a list view of all promotions created for this variant
    • Disable Promo Code Discount configures if a promo code can affect this variants (applies to both percentage and flat discount promo codes)
    • Reward Rate Only applicable if rewards is enabled for your organization
    • SEO Title sets the SEO Title for the variant. Set this value for PDP page title. Pulls from enrichment file
    • SEO Description sets the SEO Description of the variant. Pulls from enrichment file
    • SEO Keywords set the SEO Keyword of the variant. Pulls from enrichment file
  • Ops/Logistics
    • Width pulls from width on the enrichment file
    • Height pulls from height on the enrichment file
    • Length pulls from length on the enrichment file
    • Weight pulls from weight on the enrichment file
  • Media
    • Base images shows all the images sent through on the enrichment file
    • User can drag and drop the order of the images
  • Tags
    • User can view the tags tagged on the product level
  • PDP Group
    • User can configure a specific PDP Gallery List Group to show on the PDP
    • Otherwise, variants will use the Default list group
  • Dynamic Fulfillment
    πŸ“£Β This is the source of truth to see accurate inventory and pricing levels. Variant General/Display price field is not accurate
    • User is able to see fulfiller location level inventory and pricing
    • User can select multiple fulfiller locations from dropdown to see inventory and pricing. Store pick up and local delivery share the same inventory and pricing.
  • Bulk Purchase
    • Only available if B2B and Bulk Purchase Request a Quote page is enabled for your organization
    • User is able to configure the bulk purchase attributes
    • Read more about the Bulk Purchase Request a Quote page