
Sellers page is used to view seller list and add new seller

Sellers page will show as default page after user login to Tenant portal. User also can access via Navigation bar. Sellers allows tenant to view seller's information and invite new seller after account set up completion.

Seller list view

Tenant can can view, search, filter sellers and resend invite to pending sellers

View seller list

As a tenant, I am able to view seller list

  • All sellers with total number will show as Default

    • Seller name
    • Email
    • Status
    • Resend invite button: only show for pending sellers

Search sellers

As a tenant, I am able to search sellers by Seller name or Email

  • Enter Seller name or Email to search
  • Clear the search to show all sellers

Filter sellers

As a tenant, I am able to filter sellers by Seller account's status

  • Click on Filter button to filter sellers
  • Select status in status dropdown menu: user can not select multiple statuses to filter at the same time
  • Click on Apply to apply the filter
  • Click on Clear all to remove the filter

Resend invite

As a tenant, I am able to resend invite to Pending Seller

  • To resend invite, choose a pending seller that need to be resent invite

    • Click on Resend Invite button

      • A notification Invitation has been sent to {{seller's email}}will show
      • Invited seller will receive invite email

Seller information

Tenant can view seller detailed information and update seller bio

View seller

As a tenant, I am able to view seller information

  • To view detailed seller information, click on seller on seller list page to direct to Seller profile page

  • List of info for each seller:

    • Seller information:

      • Main contact
      • Accounting contact
      • Remittance email
      • Billing address
      • Shipping address
    • Seller bio:

      • Seller bio with Edit button
      • Seller image
    • Fulfillment locations:

      • List of fulfillment locations
      • Click on View button will direct user to Fulfillment Location Detail page
    • Users:

      • User list of this seller
      • Tenant can search and filter sellers
    • Forms:

      • Certificate of Insurance
      • Marketplace Terms & Conditions

Update seller bio

As a tenant, I am able to view and update seller bio

  • On Seller profile page, click on Seller bio tab
  • Click on Edit button
  • Update seller bio (maximum 600 characters)
  • Click on Save button
  • Seller bio showing on PDP will be updated on Website/Mobile apps after that

Invite new seller

As a tenant, I am able to invite new seller

  • On seller page, click on Add New Seller button
  • Enter Seller Account Name
    • This will be the Seller name displayed to customers on site.
  • Enter Seller Admin Email
  • Click on CREATE button