Client Users

As a Foxtrot admin user, you can manage and view Client Users for your website and mobile apps.

Client users are the customers who have shopping accounts for your website and mobile apps.

Client users consist of both standard and business users. Business users are only applicable if B2B is enabled for your organization.

To view client users, navigate to the Client Users page in Foxtrot.

Client Users: List View

On the client users page, search and filter with the below fields to see a list view of client users:

  • Email: The email address associated with a client users shopping account. Email search is case sensitive.
  • Phone Number: The phone number associated with a client users shopping account.
  • Customer View Type: If applicable, search for either standard or business users.
    • If a user signs up for a personal account they are in standard view. If a user signs up for a business account they are in business view.
  • Customer Type: If applicable, search by the role associated with a business account.

Business fields are only applicable if B2B is enabled for your organization.

Client Users: View User Information

  • To view an individual client user, first search for that user by email address or phone number. After searching, the list view will populate.
  • Click into the email address of the client user from the list view

User Details Tab

  • User Details:
    • ID: Internal and autogenerated ID number of the client user
    • Customer Type: Default for all standard users. Owner, Admin or Member for business users.
    • Deleted: ‘False’ if account is active. If account has been deleted this will update to ‘True’.
    • User Invite Code: Users autogenerated invite code for the referral program.
    • invite Promo Code Used: If the user applied a referral code on their first order.
    • Additional User Details for business users (if applicable):
      • If a user signs up for a business account they will be put in View Type: Business
      • If a user signs up for a business account they will be defaulted to Customer Type: Owner
      • Business users will see their Business Account linked under User Details. Clicking this will take the user to their Business Account page in Foxtrot.
        • Owners of a business account cannot be removed, ownership would need to be transferred first. This can be done under the Business User Role dropdown.
        • If a business filled out the lead capture form this will show the business name.
  • User Settings:
    • Email: The email address associated with a client users shopping account
    • Telephone: The telephone number associated with a client users shopping account
    • Notes: Open text field where an admin can make notes about a client user if necessary
    • Additional User Settings for business users:
      • The below fields only show if a user is in Business View Type
        • Business User Role —> Owner, Admin or Member
        • Business Details:
          • First Name —> Populated from lead capture form
          • Last Name —> Populated from lead capture form
          • Postal Code —> Populated from lead capture form
          • Business Size —> Populated from lead capture form
          • Occupation Title —> Populated from lead capture form
          • Industry —> Populated from lead capture form
          • Occupation Role —> Populated from lead capture form
          • B2B Segment Type —> Defaults to Self Service User
  • CS Notes:
    • A section for to record customer service claims
    • An admin can write a note in the open text field and save by pressing Add CS Note
      • Date will auto populate to the time the note was added
      • Agent will auto populate with the admin's account who added the note
  • Max Cart Quantity (Business Accounts Only):
    • This section can be used to limit the quantity of an item that the client user can buy in one order. This only applies for business users.
      • Press Add Max Cart Quantity
      • Add the variant to be limited
      • Add the max quantity amount
      • Press update
  • Reset Password:
    • Pressing this button will generate a new, randomized password for the user’s shopping account. The user’s password on the website/apps will be updated immediately.
  • Mark As Deleted:
    • Pressing this button will append the user’s email address and phone number with randomized characters preventing them from logging in with their original account. This will mark the user as ‘Deleted: True’
    • If a user is marked as deleted, a new account can be created using the original email address or phone number, but it will have a completely new user ID without any previous information.

User Addresses Tab

  • Will show all addresses associated with the client users account. Updates made here will reflect in the client user’s web and app account.
  • Admin users can Add Address if necessary
  • The latest address added will be the Default address
    • Admin users can Edit users shipping address if necessary
      • Admin user can add Delivery Instructions here if necessary
      • Admin users can Remove users shipping address if necessary
      • If there is more than one address saved, Admin users can Set as Default

Email Preferences Tab

  • This is only applicable if your organization has a CRM integrated with Spresso.
  • Manage a user's email marketing preferences on this tab.

Segmentation Tab

  • This tab will show all of the user segments that the client user is associated with.
  • Admin user can remove the client user from a user segment by clicking X on that user segment. Press Update to save.
  • Admin user can add a client user to a user segment by searching and finding that user segment in this field. Press Update to save.

Order History Tab

  • This tab will show a list view of all orders that the client user has placed
    • GID: The order number
    • Order Date: The date the order was placed
    • Platform: The platform the order was placed on. Web or Mobile App.
    • Financial Status: The financial status of the order (ie, submitted for settlement, voided).
    • Order Status: The status of the order (ie, shipped, delivered, error).
    • Total Price: The total price of the order
    • Note: To view more details of an order, click into the GID #. This will take you to the Order page.

User Credit Tab

  • Only applicable if credits are enabled for your organization.
  • This tab shows information about the user’s credit balance.
  • Current Credit Amount: Displays the user's current credit balance
  • Credit History: Displays logs for for credit used on orders, credit issued by refund and credit removed manually
    • Previous Amount: Credit balance before credit was added/removed
    • New Amount: Credit balance after credit was added/removed happened
    • Refund Reason: Matches the reason of the refund
    • Order Number: Refers to the order where the credit was redeemed / refers to the refunded order
    • Admin User: Empty (expected)
  • Admin user can remove credit from a user’s balance by clicking on Remove Credit and entering a negative number

Phone Order Tab

  • Only applicable if enabled for your organization
  • Refer to the phone order user guide for full details.


  • Only applicable if enabled for your organization
  • Displays if the user has requested for their data to be deleted.

Create Client User in Foxtrot

Client users can be created in Foxtrot with the below steps.

  • Click on Create User in the top left corner of the page
    • Create a New User with the following fields
      • First Name (required)
      • Last Name (required)
      • Phone Number (optional)
      • Email (required)
        • If user exists, error message will display: Account with email already exist
      • Delivery Address (required)
      • Press Submit to generate the account
    • After an account is created in Foxtrot, the user will receive both a welcome email and a reset password email. The user can click through the reset password email to set their password. It takes around 5 minutes for the user to receive the reset password email.

Converting a Standard User to a Business User

Admins can convert a B2C to a B2B user via Foxtrot by taking the following steps:

  • On the user's client user page, update the View Type field to Business
  • Click save
  • Navigate to the Business Accounts page
    • If the user would like to be added to an existing business account:
      • Locate the account and navigate to the Users tab
      • Search the user via the Add User search box and click Add User
      • Save updates via Update Business Account button in the top navigation
    • If the user is a brand new Business Account:
    • Click Create Business Account
    • Add information about business then navigate to Users tab
    • Search the user via the Add User search box and click Add User
    • Save updates via Update Business Account button in the top navigation