The Workers tab is used to create and manage workers.

To manage workers, navigate to Workers page on Xpress Admin

Workers: List View

As a user, I am able to view workers

  • When user navigates to the page, they can see a list of all workers filtered by mall
  • User can filter by status, worker type and search by worker name or email
  • Role: Role(s) of the worker. Workers can have multiple roles
    • Picker: worker shopping for items in-store
    • Rider: worker delivering orders to customers
    • Pickup Manager: worker handing Express Pickup orders to customers
  • Name: Worker’s first name and last name
  • Email: Worker’s email
  • Phone: Worker’s phone number
  • Status
    • Active: worker is available for order assignments
    • Paused: worker is unavailable for order assignments
      📣 Deleted workers are not displayed as they are removed from the system
  • Assignment information: these fields provide the user with a quick overview of the worker's current workload.
    • Active Request: Shows the request number when the worker has a current request assignment, and remains empty if the worker is not currently assigned to any request.
      • 📣 If the worker is active and this field is blank, it means the worker is currently idle and available to receive new request assignments.
    • Assigned: Indicates the number of orders in the worker's current request. If the worker does not have any current request, this field will be empty.
    • Received / Confirmed / Shopping Complete / In Transit / Delivered / Picked up / Cancelled: Indicates the count of orders in each respective status within the current request assigned to the worker.
  • User can click on the Refresh icon to fetch the latest assignment information (see assignment information fields)

Workers: Create

As a user, I am able to create workers

  • Click on "Create Worker" and fill in the following information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email: must be unique
    • Phone: must be unique
    • Mall
    • Password: minimum of 6 characters with at least 1 number and 1 symbol
    • Role: workers can have multiple roles
      • Picker = worker shopping for items in-store
      • Rider = worker delivering orders to customers
      • Pickup Manager = worker handing Collect At Store orders to customers
  • All workers are created with status Active

Workers: Edit

As a user, I am able to edit workers

  • Bulk update Status

    • You can bulk update status on the Worker List View:

      • Select the left-side checkboxes for the workers you wish to edit
      • Toaster slides up with buttons to Activate or Disable
      • Click on the button and confirm your action
  • Edit Worker

    • To edit information for an individual worker, click on the worker's row to open the edit form
    • Editable fields:
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email
      • Phone
      • Mall
      • Role
      • Status
        • Active: worker is available for order assignments
        • Paused: worker is unavailable for order assignments
        • Deleted: worker is removed from the system and can no longer be assigned orders going forward
          • 📣: This action cannot be undone
      • Password: password is not displayed (blank field) for security purposes. Enter a new password to override the current password.