The Orders tab is used to manage assignments as well as view fulfillments.

To manage orders, navigate to Orders page on Xpress Admin.


  • Xpress Admin displays orders at the fulfillment-level. Orders placed by customers correspond to a single Foxtrot order but they can generate multiple fulfillments and each fulfillment is displayed as a separate order on Xpress Admin. Fulfillments are defined in Fulfillment Types here
  • After an order is placed, it will only be visible in Xpress Admin after the queue process is completed. The queue process time will depend on the config set for your organization.

Orders: List View

As a user, I am able to view orders.

When user navigates to the page, they can see a list of all fulfillment-level orders for the selected mall. Mall selection can be updated in the header.

  • Table Columns
    • Order Number: Main order number (matches the Foxtrot Order GID)
      • 📣 May not be unique since one order may have fulfillments. See here
    • Fulfillment Number: Unique identifier for the fulfillment
    • Status: Status of the order. Refer to order status section in this file for definitions
    • Fulfillment Type: Refer to fulfillment number section in this file for definitions
    • Stores: Store(s) where the fulfillment’s items are coming from. Fulfillments can contain items from multiple stores
    • Customer Location: details of the customer’s address
    • Customer: Customer email
    • Picker: Displays name of the picker who shopped for the fulfillment, if not assigned yet, displays “Unassigned”
    • Rider: Displays name of the internal rider who delivered the fulfillment or name of the 3PL if fulfillment is assigned to 3PL. If not assigned yet, displays “Unassigned”
    • Total: Displays price of the order. In case of out of stock items during fulfillment, this price is adjusted accordingly.
      📣 For Cash on Delivery / Pickup, this is the amount due that must be collected from the customer
      📣 Note that this is the fulfillment’s total. In scenarios where the order consists of multiple fulfillments, this value will show the price of the fulfillment, not the price of the full order
    • Delivery Date:
      • Express Delivery / Pickup: Fulfillment’s date and time slot
      • Standard: Fulfillment’s Estimated Delivery Date
    • Creation Date: Creation date of the order
  • Sorting Rules & Color Legend
    By default, the page is filtered to today’s delivery date and sorted in ascending order (earlier date at the top). Orders requiring immediate attention are highlighted in red for users to take action:
    • Express Delivery / Pickup: When picker has not been assigned within 2 hours of the delivery time slot
    • Standard: When picker has not been assigned yet on the same day of the estimated delivery date

Orders: Filter

As a user, I can filter by using quick filters on the order list view or use additional filters in “Show Filters”

  • Quick Filters (displayed the list view)
    • Status: Status of the order
    • Order Number: Search by order number
    • Fulfillment Number: Search by fulfillment number
    • Delivery Date: For Express Delivery or Pickup orders, this refers to the Delivery or Pickup date. For Standard, this refers to the Estimated Delivery Date (ETA)
    • Timeslot: Timeslot of the order. Only applies to Express Delivery and Pickup orders. Must select a Delivery Date first
  • Additional Filters (click “Show Filters” to view)
    • Delivery Date: For Express Delivery or Pickup orders, this refers to the Delivery or Pickup date. For Standard, this refers to the Estimated Delivery Date (ETA)
    • Timeslot: Timeslot of the order. Only applies to Express Delivery and Pickup orders. Must select a Delivery Date first
    • Creation Date: Creation date of the Express order. User can select a date range
    • Customer Email: Customer’s email
    • Customer Phone Numer: Customer’s phone number
    • Store: Store attached to the sub-order. Can select multiple.
    • Order Number: Main order number (matches the Foxtrot Order GID)
    • Fulfillment Number: Order number of the fulfillment
    • Picker: Picker who shopped for fulfillment. Can select multiple.
    • Rider: Internal Rider who delivered the fulfillment. Can select multiple.
    • Fulfillment Type: Local Delivery, In Store Pickup, Carrier Delivery
    • Payment Type: Cash on Delivery or paid via the platform's Payment Gateway
    • Tracking Number: Tracking number of the fulfiullment
    • Customer View Type: Standard for B2C, Business for B2B

  • Search for the order using filters

📣 Mall filtering and order status filtering will apply on top of any additional filters set

Orders: Download

As a user, I am able to download orders

By clicking the download button on the orders page, users can download a CSV file containing all orders displayed on the page, respective of any applied filters. This includes orders on paginated pages as well.

  • CSV Columns
    • Order Number: Main order number (matches the Foxtrot Order GID)
    • Fulfillment Number: Unique identifier for the fulfillment
    • Delivery Start Window: Delivery date and timeslot start time. Applies to Express delivery / pick up only
    • Delivery End Window: Delivery date and timeslot end time. Applies to Express delivery / pick up only
    • Expected Delivery Date: Fulfillment’s Estimated Delivery Date. Applies to Standard orders only
    • Mall: Mall of the order
    • Status: Status of the order. Refer to order status section in this file for definitions
    • Payment Type: Payment method of the order
    • Fulfillment Type: Refer to fulfillment number section in this file for definitions
    • Customer Type: Standard or Business
    • Customer Name: Customer’s first and last name
    • Email: Customer’s email
    • Phone Number: Customer’s phone number
    • Delivery Address: Customer’s full delivery address
    • Total: Displays price of the order. In case of out of stock items during fulfillment, this price is adjusted accordingly.
    • Picker: Displays name of the picker who shopped for the fulfillment, if not assigned yet, displays “Unassigned”
    • Rider: Displays name of the internal rider who delivered the fulfillment or name of the 3PL if fulfillment is assigned to 3PL. If not assigned yet, displays “Unassigned”
    • Tracking number: Tracking number, if applicable
    • Created At: Timestamp of the order creation
    • Last Updated: Timestamp of the last status update

Orders: Details

As a user, I am able to view order details

  • Clicking on a row opens the order details panel, which displays detailed information about the fulfillment
  • Order Details:
    • Order Number: Main order number (matches the Foxtrot Order GID)
      • 📣 May not be unique since one order may have fulfillments. See here
    • Fulfillment Number: Unique identifier for the fulfillment
    • Status: Status of the order. Refer to order status section in this file for definitions
    • Fulfillment Type: Refer to fulfillment number section in this file for definitions
    • Mall: Mall location for the fulfillment
    • Delivery Window Start / Delivery Window End: Timeslot of the fulfillment
      • Applies to Express Delivery / Pickup only
    • Expected Delivery Date: Expected delivery date of the fulfillment
      • Applies to Standard only
    • Payment Status:
      • This section will display payment method of the order
        • If order was paid with Cash on Delivery / Pick Up, after payment is completed, this section will display that payment was completed, the payment method, the amount collected and the transaction ID (if applicable)
    • Attribute: Displays frozen, dry good, fresh food, and/or non-halal order attributes, if any
    • Customer Name: Customer’s first and last name
    • Customer Email: Customer’s email
    • Delivery Address: Customers’ delivery address
    • Phone Number: Customer’s phone number
    • Special Instructions: Instructions filled by the customer at checkout, if any
    • Total: Displays price of the fulfillment. In case of out of stock items during fulfillment, this price is adjusted accordingly. For Pay on Delivery / Pickup, this is the amount due that must be collected from the customer.
      📣 Note that this is the fulfillment’s total. In scenarios where the order consists of multiple fulfillments, this value will show the price of the fulfillment, not the price of the full order
    • Creation Date: Creation date of the order
    • Attributes: Displays any attribute of the order e.g. contains frozen items, contains non-halal items
    • Customer View Type: Standard for B2C, Business for B2B
  • Internal Notes: Add internal notes related to the fulfillment. Notes are for internal use only (not customer-facing) and will be displayed on the Shopper App
  • Picker Assignment: Picker who worked on the order and Picker Request number (for reference)
    • If order has not been picked yet, you can assign to picker from this section. See more details in Picker assignment section.
  • Rider Assignment: Internal rider or 3PL who delivered the order
  • Items Ordered: Displays items in the fulfillment
    • Item Name & Picture
    • Store: Location where the item needs to be fulfilled from.
    • GID: Internal ID of the variant, matches the variant’s GID on Foxtrot
    • SKU: Variant SKU number, matches the SKU on Foxtrot
    • Price: Price of the item
    • Ordered: Quantity ordered by the customer
    • Fulfilled: Quantity fulfilled during shopping. This is set to 0 before fulfillment
      📣 Frozen icon is displayed for frozen items
      📣 Non-halal icon is displayed for non-halal itemsThis icon is only applicable if it is enabled for your organization.
  • Status Log: Fulfillment timeline of the order. It updates real time as the order is being worked on
  • Explore APIs link is used for internal debugging purposes

Orders: View Express Pick Up orders

As a user, I am able to view Express Pick Up orders that are ready for pickup

  • Pick Up orders that are in status Complete Shopping are ready to be handed off to customers. You can review all ready for pickup orders by using the status filter on the Order List View.
  • Once the order has been picked up by the customer, use the Shopper App to mark the order as picked up. This cannot be done on Xpress Admin.

Orders: Print Label

As a user, I am able to print a packing slip

  • Orders that have reached Complete Shopping status will have the packing slip available and ready to be printed.
    • Orders that have not yet reached that status will not have the packing slip finalized yet for printing.
  • The packing slip will have 2 pages.
    • First page: The first page will contain customer information including customer name, phone number (partially masked), and special instructions.
      • Local Delivery or Standard Delivery Orders
        • If the order is Local Delivery or Standard Delivery, the first page will also display customer delivery address.
          • For orders that are Local Delivery, the delivery date and time will also be displayed.
          • For orders that are Standard Delivery, the estimated delivery date will also be displayed.
      • Pickup in Store Orders
        • If the order is for Pickup in Store, the first page will also display the collection address and the pickup date and time.
      • Pay on Delivery Orders
        • If the customer has selected Pay on Delivery as the payment method, the first page of the packing slip will also contain the total amount due upon delivery.
    • Second page: The second page will contain order details including the mall where the order is being fulfilled from and order item details.
      • Item details will include SKU number, item name, store where the order is being fulfilled from within the mall, quantity ordered, quantity fulfilled, item category, and item attribute (Frozen, Dry Good, Fresh Food).
        • 📣 Please note SKU number matches the variant SKU on Foxtrot, while Ref # at the end of the item name refers to the variant GID
      • If the order details exceeds more than one page, page numbers will also be displayed.
    • Customer service information: The packing slip will also display the customer service hotline and email in the event the customer must contact AEON about their order.

Orders: View request

As a user, I am able to view worker request information

  • Access the request page from the order detail page or the workers page
  • View which orders were batched together in the request
  • View which picker / rider worked on the request
  • View status log for orders within the request

Orders: Locked orders

As a user, I am not able to assign workers to a locked order

  • When an order is locked, it means that updates are being made to the order by customer service on Foxtrot
  • Locked orders cannot be assigned to pickers, riders or 3PL. In addition, no status updates can be made to locked orders
  • A lock icon will appear on the Orders List View and the Order Details page to indicate that the order has been locked