Price Modifiers

Price modifiers allow for charging extra fees based on the variants a user has in their basket.

  • Example: if you have a large or bulky item that is expensive to ship, you can set up a price modifier to charge an extra shipping fee on that item.
  • Note: if you put a negative value (-$2 instead of $2 fee) the price modifier becomes a discount.

Price modifiers are shown to the customer at checkout, with an explanation tooltip.

Price modifier example at checkout

Price modifier example at checkout

📣 If sales file is applicable to your organization, note that price modifiers are not handled on the sales file.

To manage delivery fees, navigate to the Price Modifiers page in Foxtrot.

Price Modifiers: List View

When a user navigates to the Price Modifiers page, user sees a list view of all created Price Modifiers.

  • GID: the internal unique id of the Price Modifier
  • Name: internal facing name of the Price Modifier
  • Display: the customer facing line item in the order summary associated with the price modifier
  • Status: indicates the status Price Modifier (Active or Paused)

Price Modifiers: Search

  • Search and filter by Name. Search is case sensitive.

Price Modifiers: Create and Update

  • Click Create Price Modifier CTA on top left of the list view
  • Price Modifier Details
    • Type: Defaults to standard
    • Name: Internal facing name of the Price Modifier
    • Status: Select from Active, Paused or Deleted
    • PriceInfo Field: An arbitrary unique identifier for internal use. Can be the same as Name.
  • Logistics:
    • Amount
      • Flat Amount: The dollar amount of the Price Modifier. A negative number here would provide a discount as opposed to providing a fee.
      • Percent: The percent amount of the Price Modifier. A negative number here would provide a discount as opposed to providing a fee.
      • Affects Entire Order: Check if the price modifier should apply to the entire order as opposed to certain variants. Only applicable for Percent discounts.
    • Applicability:
      • Scoping Strategy:
        • Global Scoped: Price Modifier will be allocated across all Variants on an order.
        • Variant Scoped: Price Modifier will be allocated to the variants specified
      • If the price modifier is Variant Scoped you can search and add variants or products, or bulk upload variants by CSV.
    • Conditions
      • Compoundable: Check if the fee/discount should re-apply based on the amount of units added of the item. Only applicable for Flat Amount and variant scoped price modifiers.
      • Total Modification Ceiling: This is the maximum fee can ever apply.
        • 📣If you’re using negative price modifiers for discounts, this rule is inversed. This is the minimum discount that can ever apply. If the discount is lower than the ceiling, the ceiling will be applied. Ex: price modifier is -$5 and ceiling is -$10 ⇒ -$10 will be applied on the order
      • Total Modification Floor: This is the minimum fee that will apply. If the fee is lower than the floor, the floor will be applied. Ex: price modifier is $5 and floor is $10 ⇒ $10 fee will be applied on the order
        • 📣If you’re using negative price modifiers for discounts, the rule is inversed. This is the maximum discount that can ever apply.
        • You must always set Total Modification Ceiling > Total Modification Floor
      • Compounding Multiple: How "often" the fee/discount should apply. If the price modifier is $1 and has a compounding multiple of 4, then the fee will apply for every 4 units in the basket. In this case, if the user has 8 units in their basket, the fee will increase to $2.
      • Minimum Order Units: The amount of units that a customer needs to add in order for the price modifier to apply
  • Display Settings:
    • Display: The customer facing line item in the order summary associated with the price modifier.
    • Tooltip Display: The message associated with the price modifier that displays when the user hovers over the tool tip (?).
  • Scoping:
    • Time Scoping
      • Start Date and End Date : The dates the price modifier is live and applied to orders.
      • Months of Year: If the price modifier should only apply during certain months, enter them here.
      • Days of Month: If the price modifier should only apply during days of the month, enter them here.
    • Entity Scoping: This is where you can limit which users receive the price modifier fee/discount.
      • Scope: Can scope by all typical segments. If no specific scope, leave as global.
      • Users: If price modifier should be scoped to specific users, search and add them here.
      • Real Time User Segments: If price modifier should be scoped to specific Real Time User Segments, search and add them here.
      • Business Accounts: If price modifier should be scoped to specific business accounts, search and add them here.
      • User Segments: If price modifier should be scoped to specific User Segments, search and add them here.
      • Location Groups: If price modifier should be scoped to specific location groups, search and add them here.
  • Press Save Changes on the top left

Volume Discount Use Cases

Using negative price modifiers, you can set up schemes where the customer receives a discount when they purchase select quantity of one or multiple items.

See below for example use cases:

Buy 3 quantity of one or multiple items, get $10 off

  • Set Flat Amount to $10
  • Set Minimum Order Units to 3
    • To make the discount stackable, check the Compoundable checkbox and set Compounding Multiple to 3
      • For every 3 units purchased, the customer will get $10 off their order
  • Set Scoping Strategy to Variant Scoped and add eligible variants
    • When you add multiple variants, the customer will be eligible for the discount if they purchase any 3 quantity of the variants listed

Buy 3 quantity of one or multiple items, get 10% off the selected items

  • Set Percent to 10
  • Set Minimum Order Units to 3
    • Compoundable is not applicable since this is a percentage discount
  • Set Scoping Strategy to Variant Scoped and add eligible variants
    • The 10% discount will apply to the variants added under Variant Scope
    • When you add multiple variants, the customer will be eligible for the discount if they purchase any 3 quantity of the variants listed

Buy 3 quantity of one or multiple items, get 10% off the entire order

  • Set Percent to 10
  • Check the Affects Entire Order checkbox
    • The 10% discount will apply to the entire order
  • Set Minimum Order Units to 3
    • Compoundable is not applicable since this is a percentage discount
  • Set Scoping Strategy to Variant Scoped and add eligible variants
    • When you add multiple variants, the customer will be eligible for the discount if they purchase any 3 quantity of the variants listed