Promo Variants

Promo variants allow Foxtrot Admin users to set up a free with gift with purchase based on optional conditions such as having a qualifying variant in cart, meeting an order minimum, or applying a specific promo code.

To manage promo variants, navigate to the Promo Variants page in Foxtrot.

Feature Overview

Catalog Ingestion

  • Free gift SKUs must be ingested using split file ingestion, just like any other variant
  • You can create SKUs to be used specifically as free gifts or you can use regular SKUs as free gifts

📣 Important: You can hide the free gift from product galleries by unchecking Show in Product List on the Foxtrot variant page (do not touch state). The item won’t be searchable from the site/mobile apps and won’t appear in any product galleries. This will also prevent the SKU being added to cart outside of promo variant redemptions.

Foxtrot Variants - Show in Product List

Foxtrot Variants - Show in Product List

Checkout Experience

  • When the user’s cart meets eligibility requirements for the free gift, the free gift is displayed in cart, checkout, order history and order details
    • User must be logged in to see the promo variant in cart
    • User cannot remove the promo variant from cart
    • If the promo variant is attached to a promo code, it will only appear after the user has successfully applied the promo code
  • If the free gift is out of stock, message will be shown in cart & checkout to warn the customer and the free gift won’t be included in the purchase

📣 We recommend to closely monitor inventory levels for the free gift and to turn off the promo variant when inventory runs out

Post Purchase & Fulfillment

  • Free gift item is included in the customer’s order history and order details
  • Free gift item is included in the order confirmation email as a free item
  • Free gift item is displayed in Foxtrot orders as a free item
  • Free gift item is passed as part of the order's variants in the Order Fulfillment API (if applicable to your organization)
    • It will be treated the same as any other variant in the order
  • Free gift item is included in Xpress Admin & Shopper App orders (if applicable to your organization)
    • It will be treated the same as any other variant in the order
  • Free gift is excluded from the Sales File (if applicable to your organization)

Promo Variants: List View

When a user navigates to the Promo Variants page, user will see a list view of all created Promo Variants.

  • GID: Internal ID to reference the promo variant
  • Name: Name of the promo variant
  • Status: Status of the promo variant
  • Variant: Variant selected as the free gift

Promo Variants: Filter

Admin users can search and filter by:

  • Name
  • GID
  • Status

Promo Variants: Create and Update

  • To create a new promo variant, go to the Promo Variants tab of the corresponding Marketing Campaign
  • To edit an existing promo variant, click on the promo variant in the list view
  • Fields:
    • Details Section
      • Name: Name given to the promo variant. Not customer-facing.
      • Description: Description given to the promo variant. Not customer-facing.
      • Cart Messaging: Message shown in cart and checkout when free gift is added to the customer’s cart. Customer-facing.
      • Status: Set to Active to activate the promo variant. Set to Paused or Deleted to disactivate the promo variant. If status is set to Paused or Deleted, the promo variant will not be live even if date is within Start Date & End Date.
      • Show In Cart: Currently unused, ignore this field.
      • Start Date: Date when the promo variant starts and is applied to customers
      • End Date: Date when the promo variant ends and stops applying to customers
    • Scope Section
      • User Scope: Can scope by all typical segments. If no specific scope, leave as global.
    • RTUS Section
      • Real Time User Segments: Only use when User Scope is set to Real Time User Segment. Enter the desired Real Time User Segment in this field
    • Marketing Section
      • Marketing Campaign: Campaign to which promo variant is tied. Will auto-populate to since you have to be within a marketing campaign to create a promo variant.
      • Channel: Channel broadcasting the campaign. Unless it is for a specific marketing channel, select Onsite / In App.
      • Marketing Lead: Owner of the marketing campaign
    • Variant Section
      • Limit Per User: How many times a user can redeem the promo variant. Leave empty to allow unlimited redemptions
        • For example if set to Limit Per User = 1, promo variant can only be redeemed once per customer
      • Variant: Variant received by customers as the free gift. Must be a variant already set up in the system
    • Order Restrictions Section
      • Minimum Total Price: Order subtotal that the customer has to meet in order to qualify for the free gift. If no minimum, leave blank.
      • Promo Code Group: This feature allows you to tie the free gift redemption to a promo code. This means that customers must apply the promo code in order to redeem the free gift. Promo code must be set up separately, with the identifier Promo Variant Targeting Group populated. See more details in Promo Codes. All available Promo Variant Targeting Group identifiers will be displayed in the Promo Code Group dropdown. Select the appropriate dropdown option to link the promo variant and the promo code together. If no promo code is required, leave empty.
      • Qualifying Purchase Variants: Required variants that customers must add to cart in order to qualify for the free gift. If multiple variants are added, customer qualifies if any add any qualifying variants to cart. If no qualifying variants are required, leave empty.
        📣 Both the qualifying variant & the free gift must have the same fulfillment method, otherwise free gift will not be attached to the order
        📣 Buy One Get One: Use the same variant as the Qualifying Purchased Variant and as the free gift to create a Buy One Get One promotion. Please note that Buy X Get Y is not currently supported. In Xpress Admin/Shopper App, qualifying variant and promo variant will be combined in a single variant. In case of out of stocks, promo variant will always be marked as out of stock first