Product Feeds
Only applicable if Product Feeds is enabled for your Organization.
Hourly product catalog feed
Feed folder:
Cadence: hourly
Content: All required attributes needed for Google and Facebook listings
- Id: variant GID
- Title: variant brand & variant name text
- Description: variant long description
- Product Detail: variant extended info 1 & variant extended info 2
- Google product category: see below
- Product type: product category
- Link: PDP link
- Deep link: PDP deep link
- Image link: image links
- Condition: new
- Availability: using default location inventory value of
In Stock
orOut of Stock
- Price: using default location price value
- Brand: variant brand
- Gtin: UPC
📣 Google requires category to follow their taxonomy. To help you manage this mapping, you can provide this value in enrichment file or go to
Product Categories > Google Product Category
to input the corresponding value. Example: Cat Food
Updated 5 days ago