Configurable Delivery Fees

Configurable Delivery Fees allow admins to define dynamic delivery fees based on several conditions including minimum order requirements, customer location, order weight, and/or order value. This functionality provides the following benefits:

  • Enable accurate delivery fee pricing relative to the cost based on distance and weight to customers
  • Incentivize customers to increase basket size to meet reduced or free shipping tiers
  • Enable admins to manage and update delivery fee pricing on an as-needed basis

Delivery fees are displayed to customers & calculated at checkout.

To manage delivery fees, navigate to the Delivery Fee Configs page in Foxtrot.

View Configurable Delivery Fees

  • Id: internal Spresso system Id of the Configurable Delivery Fee
  • Global Scope: If true, this applies to all malls. If false, the fees only apply to a single mall. Single Mall configurable delivery fees override global fees.
  • Fulfiller Location: The internal Spresso system id of the mall where this is applied
  • Fulfillment Method: The configuration associated with a specific fulfillment method (Carrier Delivery, Local Delivery, In Store Pick Up)
  • Customer View Type:
    • Standard: Config applies to B2C users only
    • Business: Config applies to B2B users only
    • None: Config applies to all users
  • Base Fee: The fee applied to all orders that meet the configuration conditions

Create Configurable Delivery Fees

  1. On the List View page, click on Create Delivery Fee Config in the top right of the page
  2. Select Scope:
    • Global: Delivery fee rules will apply to all Malls
    • Local: Delivery fee rules will apply to a single mall
      • If Local, use the Fulfiller Location field to search for the Mall you wish to set up delivery fees for
    • 📣 If Local & Global delivery fees are set up for the same Fulfillment Method, the Local delivery fees will take priority for the users scoped to the local mall
    • 📣 There cannot be more than 1 active Global fee for a given fulfillment method. If you wish to create a new global fee, create it with status Paused then pause the active one and activate the new one
  3. Set Status:
    1. Active: Will immediately apply to customer orders upon save
    2. Paused: Will not apply to customer orders until set to active
  4. Select Fulfillment Method:
    1. Carrier Delivery
    2. Local Delivery
    3. Pick Up In Store
  5. Select Customer View Type (optional)
    1. Standard: Config applies to B2C users only
    2. Business: Config applies to B2B users only
    3. None selected: Config applies to all users
      📣 Delivery fees configs with Customer View Type selected with will take priority over delivery fee configs with no Customer View Type.
      📣 Delivery fee configs with Customer View Type specified take precedence over configs scoped to a Fulfiller Location
      📣 Delivery fee configs with Customer View Type + Fulfiller Location are the most specific and take precendence over all other fees
  6. Set Base Fee (required): This fee applies to all orders with the given fulfillment method and scope. Each additional charge will build on top of this, this can be set to 0 if desired (for Pick Up In Store for example)
  7. Add Distance Fee (optional):
  • 📣 A prerequisite to setting distance fees is defining the delivery zones location groups and mapping all existing serviceable location combos to them
  • Once the delivery zone location groups have been defined, select Add Distance Fee
  • Add the location group and assign the additional fee to be charged
  1. Add Weight Fee (optional):
    1. 📣 A prerequisite to setting weight fees is ensuring all variants have their weight values defined as part of the Catalog Enrichment file. If a variant does not have the weight field set, it will be treated as a 0 gram item
    2. Created the desired weight ranges and associated additive delivery fee
  2. Add Deductions (optional):
    1. 📣 Deductions allow you to incentivize customers to build large baskets to get free or discounted shipping. For delivery fees scoped to fulfillment methods, the deductions will only apply to the the items in the relevant fulfillment
    2. Create the ranges or minimum threshold for delivery fee discounts or free shipping
      1. Select free shipping if you wish to eliminate all delivery fees
      2. Add fee deduction if you wish to discount shipping
      3. Save and Create: Once all conditions have been put in place, click Save & Create in the top right of the page

📣 Delivery fees do not get recalculated to account for out of stocks after fulfillment. The only exception is when the fulfillment is fully out of stock, in this case the delivery fee will be removed

Update Configurable Delivery Fees

  1. On the list view, click on the Configurable Delivery Fee id that you wish to update
  2. Update the Delivery Fee Configurations based on the guidelines in [Create Configurable Delivery Fees]
  3. Once all updates are done, click Save & Create in the top right of the page