
Products page is used to view and manage SKUs of all sellers

To access Products page, go to Navigation bar then click on Products.

As a tenant user, I am able to view SKUs uploaded by the seller and manage all SKUs

List view

As a tenant, I am able to view SKUs uploaded by the seller

  • When a user navigates to the Products page, user sees a list of all created SKUs.

  • User can use search bar to search SKUs by UPC, Product Name, Seller SKU or BSIN

    • BSIN = Standard Identification Number
    • User is able to search multiple SKUs by using comma separated search parameter (eg: "UPC1231, UPC1234")
  • User can use filters to find SKUs

    • Status filter: Active Pending Rejected Archived

      📣 By default, the table will return up to 25 skus that are in the states of Active Pending Rejected .

      • Active = approved (live on site if there is inventory)
      • Pending = pending approval by a admin user (for brand new sku, it's not live on site. for an approved sku with inventory, it could still be live on site but changes are pending approval)
      • Rejected = rejected approval by a admin user (for brand new sku, it's not live on site. for an approved sku with inventory, it could still be live on site but changes are rejected)
      • Archived = inactive and archived sku (not live on site)
    • Category filter: user can search by category name to filter by category

    • Seller name filter: user can search by seller name to filter by seller

    • User can customize their table view by using Edit Column feature

      • Use the checkbox to show column on table view

      • Clicking and using drag and drop allows you to edit the order of columns

      • List of info to show/ hide

        • Image
        • Name
        • UPC
        • Seller Name
        • Price
        • Status
        • Brand Name
        • Seller SKU
        • SKU BSIN
        • Unit Count
        • Inventory

Manage SKUs

As a tenant, I am able to archive/ approve/ reject pending SKUs

  • Click Menu > Products > Pending Approval tab > Check box > Action > Done

  • List of actions

    • Archive: will remove the product from site
    • Approve: for newly added items, this will create the product within Foxtrot. For existing items, this will save the changes the tenant made
      • Note: Upon approval and creation of the product in Foxtrot you will need to tag it to the appropriate category in Foxtrot > Products for it to show up under category shopping
    • Reject: will reject the new item or pending updates to an existing item

SKU details

As a tenant, I am able to view details of SKUs

  • Select SKU to direct to SKU details page
  • User can view SKU information, Notes and Inventory by clicking on corresponding tab