Products page is used to view and manage SKUs of all sellers
To access Products page, go to Navigation bar then click on Products.
As a tenant user, I am able to view SKUs uploaded by the seller and manage all SKUs
List view
As a tenant, I am able to view SKUs uploaded by the seller
When a user navigates to the Products page, user sees a list of all created SKUs.
User can use search bar to search SKUs by UPC, Product Name, Seller SKU or BSIN
= Standard Identification Number- User is able to search multiple SKUs by using comma separated search parameter (eg: "
User can use filters to find SKUs
Status filter:
📣 By default, the table will return up to 25 skus that are in the states of
= approved (live on site if there is inventory)Pending
= pending approval by a admin user (for brand new sku, it's not live on site. for an approved sku with inventory, it could still be live on site but changes are pending approval)Rejected
= rejected approval by a admin user (for brand new sku, it's not live on site. for an approved sku with inventory, it could still be live on site but changes are rejected)Archived
= inactive and archived sku (not live on site)
Category filter: user can search by category name to filter by category
Seller name filter: user can search by seller name to filter by seller
User can customize their table view by using
Edit Column
Use the checkbox to show column on table view
Clicking and using drag and drop allows you to edit the order of columns
List of info to show/ hide
- Image
- Name
- Seller Name
- Price
- Status
- Brand Name
- Seller SKU
- Unit Count
- Inventory
Manage SKUs
As a tenant, I am able to archive/ approve/ reject pending SKUs
Click Menu > Products > Pending Approval tab > Check box > Action > Done
List of actions
- Archive: will remove the product from site
- Approve: for newly added items, this will create the product within Foxtrot. For existing items, this will save the changes the tenant made
- Note: Upon approval and creation of the product in Foxtrot you will need to tag it to the appropriate category in Foxtrot > Products for it to show up under category shopping
- Reject: will reject the new item or pending updates to an existing item
SKU details
As a tenant, I am able to view details of SKUs
- Select SKU to direct to SKU details page
- User can view SKU information, Notes and Inventory by clicking on corresponding tab

Updated 8 months ago