Update Fulfillment

PUT /v1/fulfillments/:fulfillmentId (API Reference)


  • Updates fulfillment information in the Spresso system
  • The utilization of this endpoint serves a couple of significant purposes:
    • Letting Spresso know about fulfillment status updates. It essential that this status is updated appropriately as the fulfillment flow progresses
    • Letting Spresso know about fulfilled variant quantities, including short fulfills or out of stock variants (ex. the customer ordered 2 but you can only fulfill 1)
    • You can also provide the following reference information for this fulfillment so you can easily view it in the Spresso Admin Console. It does not affect the overall fulfillment flow. Such reference information includes:
      • Your own reference identifier (externalOrderId) for this fulfillment
      • Your own status (externalOrderStatus) for this fulfillment



Fulfillment variants are required when updating order fulfillment status to in_transit - this is required for settlement



For an order to be cancelled after it is fulfillable, it must be cancelled in Foxtrot (the admin console). Fulfillments cannnot be cancelled via this request.

Path Parameters

  • Fulfillment ID: the fulfillment id for the relevant fulfillment

Body Parameters

  • (required) status: string — the fulfillmentStatus (enum) of the fulfillment.
  • (optional) externalOrderId: string — this is your internal reference identifier for this fulfillment
  • (optional) externalOrderStatus: string — this is your internal status for this fulfillment
  • (optional) fulfillmentVariants: array — this must be passed when setting an order to in_transit and does not need to be passed on any other status changes
    • (required) variant: string — the variant id for the item
    • (required) fulfilledQuantity: number — the fulfilledQuantity for the item