Client Users and Segmentation

Client users are customers with shopping accounts on your website or mobile app. Client users can be segmented into different user groups for targeted content.

This guide will help you manage client users and customer segmentation. Business users are only applicable if B2B is enabled for your organization.

See below for a glossary of Client User definitions:

  • Client User: A customer with a shopping account who can login to your website or mobile app.
    • Client users include both standard (B2C) users and business users (B2B).
  • Guest User: User who is browsing your website or app without being logged into an account.
  • Segmentation: Spresso allows you to target campaigns, content and features to desired user segments and groupings. If content is not segmented, it will be globally targeted and appear for all client users and guest users.
    • User Segments: Curated groups of client users that meet certain criteria. You are able to scope campaigns, content and features to specific User Segments. These do not update in real time.
    • Real Time User Segments: Curated groups of client users that meet certain criteria that update in real time. You are able to scope campaigns, content and features to specific Real Time User Segments.
    • Scope Dropdown: Standard dropdown selector within Foxtrot to chose targeting options for content and marketing levers.

What’s Next

View the related Client User, User Segments and Real Time User Segments user guides to learn more.