Manage Orders

As an admin user, you can view and manage orders on Foxtrot. Navigate to the Orders page on Foxtrot.


Order Status and Financial Status are terms commonly used to describe orders. They are defined below.

Order Status

Order status is the top-level status of the order (ie, sent to fulfiller / completed).

  • Created: not used
  • Sent to Fulfiller: order is sent downstream to Xpress admin
  • Checking for Fraud: checks are being run to determine if the order may be fraudulent. If the checks deem the order may be fraudulent, it will be moved to On Fraud Queue. Otherwise, it will be moved to On Fulfillment Queue. Learn more in Fraud Orders
    Only used if fraud checks are enabled for your organization
  • On Fulfillment Queue: order is placed but not ready for fulfillment yet, and not sent to downstream fulfillment systems. During this time, customers can cancel the order on the website/app. Approximately 10 minutes after order creation, the status will change to Send to Fulfiller
    (queue time is set to 2 minutes on the UAT environment)
  • On Fraud Queue: order has been flagged as potentially fraudulent and needs to be reviewed manually. The order will appear in the Fraud Orders page. Learn more in Fraud Orders
    Only used if fraud checks are enabled for your organization
  • Completed: all fulfillments of the order have been completed, see details below
  • Error: used for errors
  • Cancelled: all fulfillments have been cancelled


Order Completion

Order completion can be defined differently based on your organization:

  • Order is completed when all fulfillments are In Transit or Picked Up
  • Order is completed when all fulfillments Delivered or Picked Up
Order Status Chart

Order Status Chart

Financial Status

Financial status is the status of the payment.

  • Created: not used
  • Payment Pending: order has been placed by the customer but pending successful payment on the payment gateway's redirect.
    Only applies when user is redirected to a 3rd party page to complete the payment
    • Moves to Authorized after successful payment on the payment gateway's redirect
    • Moves to Payment Not Successful if payment is unsuccessful
  • Authorized: successful transaction with the payment gateway
  • Submitted for Settlement: order’s financial information has been settled and customer has been charged / out of stock refunds have been triggered, if applicable
    • Happens after order completion.
  • Settled: order’s financial information has been settled and customer has been charged / out of stock refunds have been triggered, if applicable
    • Happens after order completion.
  • Voided: payment has been cancelled
  • Error: used for errors
  • Authorization Expired: not used
  • No Transaction: used when no payment is needed (e.g. promo code covered the full order)
  • Settlement Declined: not used
  • Payment Not Successful: customer did not complete payment or payment method has been denied by the payment gateway
  • Deferred: used for payment on delivery, displays after the order has been placed and updates to Settled once the order is paid
    Only applies if Payment on Delivery is enabled for your organization
Financial Status Chart

Financial Status Chart

Orders: List View

  • When a user navigates to the Orders page, user sees a list view of all created orders.
    • GID: the internal unique ID of the order
    • Created At: the date of when the order was placed/created
    • User Email: the email address of the customer
    • Platform: the platform of where the order was placed
    • Financial Status: the financial status of the order (ie, settled / error)
    • Order Status: the status of the order (ie, sent to fulfiller / completed)
    • Total Price: total price of the order
    • Settlement Amount: settlement amount of the order after order adjustments

Orders: Search & Filter

  • Search and filter by Order Number (which is Order GID)
  • Search and filter by Creation Date
  • Search and filter by User Email
  • Search and filter by Last Name of shipping information
  • Search and filter by Maximum Price
  • Search and filter by Minimum Price
  • Search and filter by Promo Code Used
  • Search and filter by Financial Status
  • Search and filter by Order Status
  • Search and filter by Customer View Type
    • Standard --> B2C Customer
    • Business --> B2B Customer

Orders: View & Manage

Order Details Tab

General Details

  • GID: the internal unique ID of the order
  • ID: the internal unique database ID of the order
  • Created At: the date of when the order was placed/created
  • Updated At: the date of when the order was last updated
  • Platform: the platform of where the order was placed
  • Internal Admin User: [used for phone orders only] display the email of the admin user who created the order
  • Order Source: [used for phone orders only] displays “Internal Admin User”
  • Financial Status: the financial status of an order
  • Began Processing: if the order has began fulfillment processes
  • Order Status: the current order status of an order
  • Device ID: the unique device ID of the user
  • Customer View Type: Standard for B2C customer, Business for B2B customer

Order Actions

  • Cancel Order: Admin users will be able to cancel orders on behalf of the customer
    • Click on Cancel Order
      (📣 For Express orders, you need to lock order first)
    • Copy and paste the order GID as confirmation of cancellation
    • Submit
      📣 An order is cancellable all the way until order status is Delivered or Picked Up By Customer
      📣 If order was paid with a payment method charged at order placement (e.g. digital wallets, PayPal), a refund will be issued after the cancellation
  • Request Refund: Admin users will be able to issue a refund to the customer
    • Click on request refund
    • Using the ticker, increment the qty of the item you'll want to refund. Otherwise you can select on "Refund All Product Variants"
    • User will be able to see Refund Amount reflect the incremented quantity
    • Select Refund Reason from dropdown
    • Click on authorize refund
    • Observe refund being created in Order Refund History
    • In addition, see below for general rules regarding refunds:
      • User is only able to create refund for an order when the financial status = Submitted for Settlement. This usually happens within 5 minutes after the order has been completed. See definitions
      • User is able to create multiple refunds for an order. However if an item is already refunded or if the order is refunded in full, the user will not be able to create anymore
      • Refunds are not supported for Cash on Delivery orders
      • Refunds for orders placed with payment method Invoicing must be made on the Business Account page. See Invoicing for details.
      • Refunds are made using the item’s price post-discount if any promo code was applied on the order
        • E.g. item’s regular price = $10, item’s discounted price = $8 (after promo code) ⇒ refund will be for $8
  • Clone Order to Cart : clones the order items to the customer's cart
  • Lock Order : User must lock order before performing certain order actions. This prevents any fulfillment of the order in Xpress Admin/Shopper App Actions: Cancel Order, Update Delivery Time
    Only applicable if your organization uses Xpress Admin/Shopper App
  • Generate Sales File: Admin users will be able to generate the sales file for the order
    This button will be enabled whenever the order's financial status is Submitted for settlement or Settled. This usually happens within 5 minutes after all fulfillments in the order are set to In Transit or Picked up by the customer.
    📣 Note the the sales file is available for cancelled orders since they have a financial status of Settled
    Clicking on the button will open a modal and display the sales file content in the same format as the end of day files.
    The purpose of this function is to allow the user to test the sales file for a given order, instead of having to wait for the end of day files to be generated
    Only applicable if your organization uses Sales File
  • Generate Refunds File: Admin users will be able to generate the refund file for the order
    This button will be enabled whenever there is a refund on the order. It applies for an auto-generated refund (due to an e-wallet order cancellation or partial fulfillment), or a manual refund done through Foxtrot.
    Clicking on the button will open a modal and display the refund file content in the same format as the end of day files.
    The purpose of this function is to allow the user to test the refund file for a given order, instead of having to wait for the end of day files to be generated.
    Only applicable if your organization uses Refund File

Order Transaction Status

Displays the transaction information for the payment. Information shown in this section differs based on the payment gateway used by your organization.

Order Refund History

Displays the refund history of the order.

Refunds can be issued post-fulfillment by customer service for issues such as damaged items, missing items, etc. Refunds can be made back to the customer's original payment method or in credits (credits must be enabled for your organization)

In addition, for payment methods immediately charged at order placement (e.g. digital wallets, PayPal), refunds are issued in case of order cancellation and out of stock items. This also applies to credit cards payments if your payment gateway does not support Authorization & Capture.

  • Timestamp: the time the refund was created
  • Type: displays the type of refund (cash or credit)
  • Amount: refund amount
  • Reason: refund reason
    - “No stock” for out of stock refunds & failed fulfillments
    - Reason selected by the admin user for manual Foxtrot refunds from Request Refund
  • Admin user: the admin user who created the refund

Order Cancel History

Displays the cancellation history of the order.

  • Timestamp: the time the order was cancelled
  • Cancelled by: who cancelled the order
    • Client indicates it was a customer
    • Admin indicates it was an internal admin user

Shipping Address

Displays the shipping address of the order.

Payment Details

Displays the detailed payment method of the order

  • For orders paid via Payment Gateway:
    • Will display the payment method used and any details available
  • For orders paid with Payment on Delivery:
    • Before payment is completed, it will display the Amount due
    • After payment is completed, it will display the Payment Method Detail and Amount Paid
      📣 When an order has multiple fulfillments, partial payment will be collected with each fulfillment. The full order will be paid once payment has been collected for all fulfillments
      Only applicable if Payment on Delivery is enabled for your organization


Only applicable if Express fulfillment method is enabled for your organization

Displays the delivery or pick up time

  • Only applies to Express fulfillment (Express Delivery or Pick Up in Store), not Carrier Delivery
  • User can update delivery time if the order status is New Created On Queue

Fulfillment Requests

Display list of fulfillment requests

Once fulfillment request is successful and Status = Sent to Fulfiller, you'll see list of fulfillments in separate table


Display list of fulfillments created. If there are multiple fulfillments, those will be displayed on this list


  • Fulfiller = Internal use
  • Fulfiller Location = Mall for the fulfillment
  • Fulfillment Number = Express order number
  • Fulfiller Order ID = Internal use, Express order ID
  • Is Complete = Internal use
  • Created At = Timestamp for when the fulfillment was created
  • Fulfiller Type = Internal use
  • Fulfiller Method Type = describe the fulfillment method
    • Local Delivery = Express Delivery
    • In Store Pick Up = BOPIS (Buy Online, Pickup In Store)
    • Carrier Delivery = Standard / Parcel
  • Fulfillment Status = detailed status of the fulfillment
    • New: Order has been received in the system, but hasn't been assigned yet
    • Received: Order has been assigned to a picker
    • Confirmed: Picker has confirmed the order and is ready to shop
    • Complete Shopping: Picker has finished shopping for the order
    • In Transit: Order is on its way to the customer
    • Delivered: Order has been delivered
    • Picked Up By Customer: Order has been picked up by the customer
    • Cancelled: Order has been cancelled
    • Failed: Delivery has failed
  • Status Logs = History log for Fulfillment Status

VAT Invoices

Only applicable if VAT invoices are enabled for your organization

  • VAT Invoice Requests Table
    • All orders generate a VAT invoice per store via e-invoice when settlement runs, this section displays the results of the requests to the e-invoice service and allows users to retry failed requests
    • Field Definitions:
      • Type: This indicates the type of request sent to e-invoice either Sale or Refund
      • Fulfiller SubLocation: The store code the VAT invoice was generated for
      • Created At: The date timestamp of when the request was sent to e-invoice
      • Status: The status of the request, either Success or Failed
      • Invoice Number: If successfully created, the invoice number will be displayed
      • Invoice Key: If successfully created, the invoice key will be displayed
      • Error Message: If failed to create, the error message will be displayed
      • Retry VAT Invoice Request:
        • If successfully created, this will be greyed out
        • If failed to create, users can select retry which will retry all failed invoices. Once selected, the page will refresh and the results of the retry will be displayed in the table
  • VAT Invoice Information
    • If a customer has requested a VAT invoice, this section will display the VAT invoice information submitted. Specifically:
      • Personal VAT Invoice Request:
        • Name: Recipient name for the VAT invoice
        • Email: Submitted email address to receive the VAT invoice
        • Delivery Address: Submitted VAT invoice Address & Ward (comma separated)
        • City: Submitted VAT invoice city
        • District: Submitted VAT invoice District
      • Company VAT Invoice Request:
        • Tax Code: Company tax code
        • Company Name: Company name
        • Email: Submitted email address to receive the VAT invoice
        • Delivery Address: Company Address & Ward (comma separated)
        • City: Company City
        • District: Company District
    • If a customer did not request a VAT invoice, this section will display the following: VAT Invoice not Requested

Financials Tab

Displays order transaction financial details

Product Variants Tab

Displays order variants breakdown

  • Variant GID & Name
  • Retailer = Internal Spresso entity used for transactions
  • Fulfiller Location = Warehouse / Mall
  • Fulfiller Sub Location = Store
  • Fulfillment Method = Describes the fulfillment method of the SKU
    • Local Delivery: Express Delivery
    • In Store Pick Up: BOPIS
    • Carrier Delivery: Standard / Parcel
  • Qty ordered and Fulfilled Qty
  • Amount, Discounts and Tax for
    • Base Price
    • Price Modifiers
    • Shipping Fee (not applicable)
    • Delivery fee (prorated across all order items)
    • Final price
  • User can use Toggle Columns to change column view
  • Promo variants are shown as free items in the list of variants
    📣 They will only appear after the order has been Sent To Fulfiller. You can always rely on the Promo Variants in the Pricing Details tab to know whether the promo variant was successful applied or not

Pricing Details Tab

  • Displays pricing details of the order
    • Pricing Info shows item subtotal, additional fees
    • Warehouse info shows item subtotal, additional fees or deductions in warehouse column view (will always be one column)
    • Promo code shows the promo code used
    • Promo variants shows the promo variant applied to the order
    • Price modifier shows the price modifier applied

Fraud Tab

See Fraud Orders.