Promo Code Batches

As a Foxtror admin user, I can manage and create promo codes in batches for web and mobile app application.


Promo Code Batches autogenerate unique promo codes in bulk. They do not need to be tied to a Marketing Campaign. Typically these are used to mass generate promo code for customer service.

The configuration fields within promo code batches mirror the configuration fields for regular promo codes.

To manage promo code batches, navigate to the Promo Code Batches page in Foxtrot.

Promo Code Batches: List View

When a user navigates to the Promo Code Batches page, user sees a list view of all created Promo Code Batches.

  • Actions:
    • Show List: Clicking this takes user to the Promo Code list view and shows details of all codes from that batch.
      • From here you can Edit or Clone a specific code.
        • To clone , click Clone and then enter the amount of codes you would like to generate with the exact same rules as the code you are cloning. Then press Generate Promo Codes.
    • Modify Inventory: Clicking this allows the user to set or update inventory of all promo codes within a batch. Doing this, updates the remaining usages of the promo code.
      • To modify inventory, click modify inventory. Under Action, select Increment or Set . Then, add the Inventory Amount and press Modify.
        • Increment: This will add inventory to the existing amount that is already set under the promo code.
        • Set: This will replace existing inventory of a promo code.
    • Export to CSV: This will generate a CSV file of all promo codes within a batch.
    • Delete: This will delete the promo code batch and all associated promo codes.
  • Batch Name: The internal name of the promo code batch.
  • Target User Segment: If promo code batch is created for all users within a User Segment. That User Segment will show here.
  • Created At: The date and time the promo code batch was created.

Search and filter by the below fields to view a select promo code batch:

  • Search and filter by Name. Search is case sensitive.
  • Search and filter by Target User Segment. Search is case sensitive.

Promo Code Batches: Create

Click Generate Batch CTA on top left of the list view

  • Select Generation Method:
    • Number of Codes: This will create as many unique codes as you enter in the Number of Codes field.
    • Target User Segment: This will create unique codes for each user in that user segment.
      • Search for the User Segment you want to target in the Target User Segment field.
  • Number of Characters in Code: The character count for all of the unique auto-generated codes in the batch.
  • Display: The customer facing message that is shown when code is applied at checkout
  • Batch Name: The internal name of the promo code batch.
  • Enabled: Check this to activate all of the promo codes in the batch.


  • Variants: If promo codes should only apply to certain variants, search and add them here.


  • Percent Discount:Percentage off that the promo codes will apply
  • Discount Limit:This is the maximum dollar amount a percent-off promo can apply. Add limit if discount is capped at a certain amount. If no limit, leave blank.
  • Only Apply Percent Discount To Selected Variants:Check this if percent off promo codes should only apply to certain variants.
  • Flat Discount:Dollar amount off that the promo code will apply
  • Promo Variant Targeting Group: This field allows you to tie the promo code to a promo variants. For full details of this feature please reference the Promo Variant user guide.
  • Add Credit from Overage: This only applies to flat discounts (dollar off). If this is checked and a customer doesn't use all of the discount (e.g. only uses $15) the rest of the amount ($5) would go to the customer's credit. This is only applicable if credits are enabled for your organization.
  • Free Ground Shipping:If this is checked, the code will remove any delivery fee for their order.


  • Ignore Total Order Code Limit: If checked, the promo code can be stacked with another promo code.
  • First Order Only: Code can only be applied if the account has never placed an order.
  • Start Date and End Date shows the dates the promo code is live and can be successfully applied by customers
  • One Use Per Account: Code can only be applied one time for a certain account
  • Order Minimum: Add minimum if discount only applies to orders above a certain amount. If no minimum, leave blank.


  • Enabled: This must be checked in order to apply remaining usage rules
  • Inventory (Remaining Usages): This is where you can enter a number to cap the amount of redemptions of the promo code. This will update as the promo code is redeemed.


  • Offer Type: Non-required field for internal use to tag the type of offer. If no specific offer type, choose none.
  • Marketing Campaign: User can search for a marketing campaign to associate the promo codes.

If applicable for your organization, select P&L Allocation and Transaction Type for reporting purposes.