Phone Orders

This feature is only applicable if enabled for your organization.

As an admin user, I can place orders on behalf of the customer.

Search for the customer

As a first step, check if the customer has an existing account. If not, create an account on their behalf to start the process.

  • Go to Client Users to search for the customer’s account
  • If the customer doesn’t have an account, create a new account by following the steps here:


In the event the customer does not wish to provide an email for the new account / doesn’t have an email, you can use a dummy email syntax such as: [email protected] (e.g. [email protected]

Confirm the customer’s delivery address

Next, confirm or set the customer's delivery address in order for the customer to be mapped to the correct store.

  • Open the customer’s Client User page and go to the Addresses tab
  • Confirm if customer would like to use an existing address or add a new address for the customer
    • If using existing address, click “Set as Default” if desired address is not the current default
    • If adding new address, new address will be automatically set as default
    • The address set as default will be used for the phone order
  • See guide here on Client Users > Addresses

Add items to cart

After confirming the address, proceed to add items to the customer’s cart

  • Go to the Phone Order tab on the customer’s Client User page
    💡 Existing customers may have existing items in cart. Check with the customer if they want to keep existing items in cart or clear the cart before proceeding
  • Search items by GID or name
  • Items will be added to cart with the following information: GID, image, name, variant price, quantity, total price, inventory
    • Cart is broken out by fulfillment method:
      • Express Delivery / Collect At Store
      • Standard
    • Out of Stock mention will display when there is no inventory. Out of stock items must be removed before proceeding to checkout
    • Subtotal shows the order’s subtotal prior to delivery fees and promos
  • Click on “Proceed to Check Out” once all items have been added. You can return to the cart at any time

Complete checkout

  • After clicking “Proceed to Check Out”, popup window opens with checkout information
  • Customer’s default address will be used to create the phone order
  • Fill out checkout information based on the customer’s input:
    • Express Delivery / Collect At Store Section: only applies if customer has Express items in cart
      • Delivery Type: Delivery or Collect at Store
      • Delivery Date and Time
      • Phone Number
      • Delivery Instructions
    • Standard Section: only applies if customer has Standard items in cart
      • Delivery Instructions
    • VAT Section: If the customer would like to receive a VAT invoice, select the Request VAT Invoice checkbox, if not, leave box unchecked and proceed to next step. Only applicable if your organization uses VAT.
      • If a customer has previously requested a VAT invoice, the form will be pre-populated with their saved VAT invoice information. If a customer has not requested a VAT invoice before, the personal form will be pre-populated with their first & last name and email address
      • To update the VAT invoice information select Personal or Company based on the customer’s input:
        • Company form:
          • Tax Code: Input tax code and select lookup to pre-populate the form
            • If the tax code is not found, the customer can proceed with manual inputted information for Company Name, Address & Ward, District, and City
            • If a tax code is found, theCompany Name, Address & Ward, District, and City fields will be pre-populated
              • Address & Ward: The address and ward should be separated by comma if manually inputted
            • Email Address: Enter the email address that the customer would like to receive the invoice based their input
            • Consent: Ask the customer to consent that the information is correct and select the checkbox upon confirmation
        • Personal form:
          • Enter the following fields based on the customer’s input: First Name, Last Name, Address & Ward, District, and City
            • Address & Ward: The address and ward should be separated by comma
          • Email Address: Enter the email address that the customer would like to receive the invoice based their input
          • Consent: Ask the customer to consent that the information is correct and select the checkbox upon confirmation
    • Payment Section
      • Apply promo codes if applicable
      • Select relevant Payment Type (same payments as the website/mobile apps)
  • Order pricing summary is displayed on the screen
    • Price modifiers will automatically apply (if applicable)
  • Click “Submit” to create the order
    • You will be redirected to the Order’s Detail page (from Foxtrot Orders)
    • For Cash on Delivery, order is created immediately and no further action is needed from the customer
    • For other payment methods, order is created and in Pending Payment status until customer completes payment
      • Payment link is generated after the order is created and must be shared with the customer
  • Cart is cleared after the order is placed

Send payment link to customer

  • After placing the Phone Order, admin user is redirected to the Order’s Detail page (from Foxtrot Orders)
  • For credit card and e-wallet, order is created with financial status Pending Payment and admin user must collect payment from the customer
    • Payment link is generated and displayed under Order Transaction Status with the following information:
      • Type: Payment method selected by the customer
      • Transaction: Available once payment is completed
      • Status:
        • Shows “Payment Pending” when the customer hasn’t paid yet
        • Shows “Authorized” once the customer has paid
      • Amount: Amount that the customer must pay
      • Payment Link:
        • Shows “Copy Payment Link” button after order is placed and after link is generated, which allows admin user to send the link to the customer (see next section)
        • Shows “Payment Link Expired” once link has expired
          • Expiration for Payoo: 1 hour
          • Expiration for iPay88: 8 minutes
        • Shows “Not available” once order has been paid
      • Payment Link Last Generated: Shows when the payment link was generated
      • Payment Link Expiration: Shows when the payment link expires (within one hour)
    • Customer has 60 minutes to complete payment before the order updates to Payment Not Successful
      • Phone order must be placed again after the order updates to Payment Not Successful
    • Share the payment link with the customer by clicking “Copy Payment Link” to clip the following message: Thank you for placing your order with {platform_name}. Click on the link below to make your payment. The link expires in X time. [Link URL is inserted here] Expiration time depends on your payment gateway
      • Expiration for Payoo: 1 hour
      • Expiration for iPay88: 8 minutes
      • Link must be shared manually with the customer to complete payment
      • Admin user can copy paste the message on WhatsApp, email or any other communication method
    • Link will open payment gateway's page for the customer to complete payment
      • After customer completes payment, page will automatically redirect to the website. The customer can close the tab at this point
    • Admin users can generate new links at any time by clicking “Generate New Payment Link”
      • New payment link will be displayed and can be sent to the customer
      • 📣 Customer must only pay one time, paying on multiple links can result in multiple payments
      • This button disappears once a successful payment has been received
    • Once payment is completed, the payment’s status under Order Transaction Status will display Authorized and the order’s financial status will display Authorized
      • 📣 Make sure to refresh the page to see the most up to date information
      • Customer will receive an order confirmation email
  • For Payment on Delivery, order is created with financial status Deferred and no further action is needed from the customer
    • Customer will receive an order confirmation email immediately after order creation
    • Admin user can view details about the order on the Order Details page

Identify orders created via Phone Orders on Foxtrot

  • On the Orders list view, filter by Internal Admin User Orders to view orders created via Phone Orders

  • On the Order Detail page > General Details Tab:

    • Order Source: “Internal Admin User” will be displayed for phone orders

    • Internal Admin User: will display email of the admin user who created the phone order

  • On the Client User Detail page > Order History Tab:

    • Order Source: “Internal Admin User” will be displayed for phone orders